Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] for a " in BNC.

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1 Looking around her , she would see that while her brothers might follow their father 's trade or profession , whatever that was , or perhaps look for an apprenticeship in a traditional craft , or take advantage of the new opportunities in , say , transport — in short choose , within limits , a career that appealed to them — she was not likely to be able to indulge a personal preference .
2 Deardrie , should I give her a rocket , or just wait for a postcard ?
3 Women 's periods are often affected : they may become very heavy , lose their regularity , or even disappear for a while .
4 Then either leave to rehydrate , then eat or alternatively cook for a few minutes before eating .
5 I would work for one of the major charities , perhaps , or maybe go for a job in publishing .
6 On the other hand , if the Cabinet as a whole was defeated on a major issue in the House of Commons then it should either resign ( as happened five times between 1852 and 1859 ) , or else ask for a dissolution of Parliament in the hope of being able to secure the support of a new House of Commons .
7 But the treatment has to be repeated because the Americans transplanted the gene into cells that only live for a few months .
8 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
9 The B film was a Western starring Randolph Scott , and when that was over he would watch Jane Russell again , and somewhere in between he would eat his boiled egg and perhaps sleep for a while .
10 Because not enough information is given to buyers on the sheer expense and time needed to feed , train , groom and generally care for a dog .
11 It is a good idea to turn the main stopcock off and on once or twice each year to keep its mechanism free and not wait for an emergency to discover that it has jammed open .
12 The whole point is that if the intrepid aviator got shot down while blasting Gerry out of the skies above enemy territory , he could simply unzip his boot-legs and have a pair of civilian-looking shoes on his feet , and thus pass for a native and so escape those dreadful SS men in their tight little black uniforms .
13 My patience snapped and I said : ‘ Do shut up and just listen for a moment . ’
14 it gives people a chance to come from the surrounding area , have a beer , relax , and still look for a job
15 Bearing in mind that it takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to flowering , it is possible to grow bulbs of many species and varieties to flower at the same time for a spectacular display , and also plant for a succession of flowers if potting up is carefully timed .
16 I 'd give Rocky a chance on the right or if not move Kelly forward with Bardsley in behind ( kind of like the way Jack Charlton plays Terry Phelan behind Steve Staunton ) and probably go for a new left winger to help Dorigo ( sorry Mrs. Dorigo Anthony ) .
17 He 'll hear you out and probably roar for a cup of sack . ’
18 Except I 'm starving hungry , and positively yearn for a sandwich .
19 Kinsbourne ( 1975a ) argued that " both hemispheres draw upon and often compete for a finite amount of attention invested in the organism as a whole " .
20 You can try your luck in Scheffau , and even compete for a bronze , silver or gold medal .
21 He has heard about the ‘ Hello curse ’ , where loving couples tell in the glossy how good life is together … and immediately head for a break-up .
22 She and David decided to catch the bus down into Florence and then try for a taxi home .
23 Throughout the dispute my technique was to go through the front door — I refused to be smuggled in — and then ask for a deputation of the demonstrators to come and talk to me .
24 It used to be the case that one had to find a property that one wanted to buy first and then apply for a mortgage , but some organisations will now provide a mortgage guarantee document , that is to say an assurance of the amount of money they will lend you , before you start looking for a property .
25 The plan is to buy the school from the council and then apply for a governmnet grant to run it like other opted out schools .
26 I would select potential parents and investigate their genetic structure in detail , and then arrange for a conception to take place .
27 ‘ To make lips look fuller , the trick is to define them with a brown eyeliner and outline the shape you want them to be and then go for a light coloured lipstick .
28 Just go for a pint and then go for a a monster curry .
29 and then go for a paratroopers '
30 The land-based multi-warhead er missiles is a real issue that has to be tackled , er and they may either go for , this is very much up in the air , go for er distinct cuts in er Start one , or they may talk about limitations and then go for a Start two treaty .
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