Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A man she had never seen before or since came at night .
2 You more or less stood to attention . .
3 One of the major objectives of the account was to reapportion credit within the movement since much of it had been misappropriated by those who had done little or only appeared after emancipation in 1834 .
4 Duhem is suggesting that individual non-observation sentences can not be conclusively verified or conclusively falsified by observation , by the evidence of our senses .
5 I 've climbed or just walked in Range West on many occasions .
6 Topaz could have expressed some brief regret , or simply shrugged in helplessness , but she did n't .
7 Those denied an education remained in hospitals without any form of mental stimulation or simply stayed at home ; a few attended ‘ junior ’ training centres .
8 I think he should have got a longer sentence or maybe tried in Crown Court , but not just got away with three months .
9 I think he should have got a longer sentence or maybe tried in Crown Court , but not just got away with three months .
10 I think he should have got a longer sentence or maybe tried in Crown Court , but not just got away with three months .
11 At first many counties established county-wide committees , but these either degenerated into battlegrounds for county/district rivalries or else atrophied through lack of business ( Alexander 1982a:37 — 8 ; 58 — 9 ) .
12 Other bolts raced away into the night or else caroomed off vitrodur surfaces .
13 During deeper burial , the intergranular and intragranular pores have been partially or completely occluded by anhydrite cement at some localities ( Fig. 16b ) .
14 Blue Boar was dropped and replaced by Blue Steel Mk 1 , an inertially guided cruise missile with a range of 100 nautical miles that eventually came into service with the V Force in 1962 as part of Britain 's Independent Nuclear Deterrent .
15 All thoughts of where they were and what was happening fled abruptly as she stared at him with a shock that soon turned to joy as she saw the expression on his face .
16 The communist regime that finally fell from power last week was , in many respects , a repetition of Amanullah on a grander , and far bloodier , scale : the war provoked by the 1978 ‘ revolution ’ , and the reaction to it have left up to a million dead , a third of the 16-million population displaced .
17 Although more women than ever ran for office , there was no net change in the level of female representation .
18 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
19 A little to the west of Casa Litta is the church of San Vito al Pasquirolo , a church in a more than usually pretty Baroque style that once stood in meadow land , its position explaining the name — ‘ San Vito in the pasture ’ .
20 He had this quirky sense of humour that always seemed to surface whenever Lisa least expected it .
21 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
22 Consequently , any teaching about nature that clearly went against Scripture could not be a demonstrated truth .
23 Their wails and screams rose above the crackle of their burning homes and were made even more blood-curdling by the clangorous din of the church bells that frantically appealed to heaven for aid .
24 From the book he 'd just put down he knew that vast tracts of virgin tropical forest covered those mountainsides and large areas of the lowlands too ; in the book there w.ere sepia-tinted photographs of primitive tribesmen who still hunted with stone-tipped arrows and poison darts in those same forests that also teemed with elephant herds , tiger , buffalo , black bears and countless other rare species of animal life that had been left undisturbed by the march of civilization .
25 On the first leg of the flight to Tehran , courtesy of one of the aircraft that also helped with contra resupply , North told Cave ‘ This is Democracy Airlines , ’ and laughed ; Cave had no notion what he meant .
26 The only fact that now seemed beyond doubt was that Syria and Iran were obviously the two countries who were crucial to getting all the hostages released , whoever was actually holding them .
27 ‘ He evolved in such a way that really came to life for me , ’ she says .
28 The two that immediately came to mind were running a charity and looking at whether any of her work was commercially viable which , since it is biotechnology-based , there was a good chance it would be .
29 Then Aldridge again drew applause with a superb piece of control and a chip over the ‘ keeper that unfortunately drifted off target .
30 The wheels were placed inside in order to protect them from the elements as well as from the deliberate damage that sometimes occurred during water disputes .
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