Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [art] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 Do you reckon it 's a full time job , or just a part time one ?
2 From Fig.8.7(a) the variation of v/c over one orbit is seen to have an amplitude of order 10 -3 , and so the SR time dilation of the period is also of order 10 -6 .
3 Typically τ o is of the order of 10 -10 seconds for and so the relaxation time for a polymer chain with would be about 100 seconds .
4 A service between midnight and 0700 should be the responsibility of family health services authorities , which could arrange for visits and perhaps a night time surgery .
5 And then the summer time they come out on a Monday morning and gone back at on Monday night .
6 Furthermore there were furniture firms short of work and again the development time for a wooden aeroplane has always been much shorter than that for a metal one .
7 The cost of hardware is often small when compared with the real cost of software which includes not only the purchase cost but also the staff time of the organisation in which it is to be installed .
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