Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 My guess would be that they are the same advisers or perhaps from the same coterie of advisers .
2 Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses , dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed ‘ on the straw ’ or made into silage .
3 It follows that it is possible for a member to have the same problem raised by both bodies more or less at the same time .
4 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
5 She remarried more or less at the same time as I did .
6 If overt collusion is not permitted , then firms may be able to replicate its effect via tacit collusion ( Tirole , 1989 , ch. 6 ) , which may take the form of ‘ conscious parallelism ’ with firms making identical price changes more or less at the same time .
7 More or less on the same lines having a point of view and putting it across without wavering , do n't erm
8 but they 've changed now , they 're more or less on the same basis as the U R C
9 ( In his reply , Karajan pointed out that as two men had died whilst conducting Tristan und Isolde , both more or less in the same place in the score , it was perhaps worth sponsoring some medical research into the subject . )
10 We work more or less in the same area but had n't talked to one another for a long time .
11 More or less in the same years about 300 B.C. the greatest pupil of Aristotle , Theophrastus , became interested in Jewish customs within the context of his comparative researches on Piety .
12 All this time , it must be realised , the fluviatile , near-shore and offshore environmental belts have remained more or less in the same position .
13 Marinate for only an hour or so in the same marinade as before or use just olive oil , lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper .
14 Categories such as ‘ theatre and entertainment ’ or ‘ cinema and film ’ did not include quite the same things in 1987 as in 1961 , or not in the same proportions .
15 That means flying two or more after the same rabbit .
16 The effects on the immune system and on hormones , including the sex hormones , are further complicated by the effects on general care of the body , resulting in malnutrition or obesity ( or both at the same time ) , inadequate bodily hygiene and poor physical fitness .
17 ‘ I am a partisan of the idea of two inter-governmental conferences , one dealing with economic and monetary union and related institutional reform by the end of 1991 , and another which deals with European political union , one or two years later or even at the same time , ’ Mr Delors told MEPs in Strasbourg yesterday .
18 Decorated metalwork and pottery can , in addition , be studied by the measurement of elements in designs to determine which objects may have been made at the same source , using the same tools , or even by the same craftsman .
19 As we all know from personal experience , intellect will often come up with two very different solutions to the same problem in two different individuals , or even in the same individual on two different occasions .
20 Unfortunately , in modern society , our ‘ own ’ are rarely living in the same town or even in the same county as us , which makes the ideal situation very difficult to achieve .
21 Natural law and rights theories , positivism and contextualism , are in this sense no longer incompatible theories of the law but enter into the legal languages or dialects which are spoken in different or even in the same legal systems .
22 Oligo I was unspecifically competed with no ( - ) , 10 , 50 and 500 molar excess of oligo III ( lanes 1 to 4 , respectively ) or specifically with the same amounts of unlabelled oligo I ( lanes 5 to 8 ) .
23 While the heyday for Greek columns was between the 1830s and the 1850s , the classical style carried on although not to the same degree .
24 The offices on the mainland also saw their fee income fall , although not to the same extent .
25 This shows that after a freshening in the early 1970s , the salinity ( and temperature ) began to increase in the early 1980s , although not to the same level as in 1970 .
26 This is fairly well known , but it is not commonly realized that synthetic detergents are affected deleteriously by the hardness of the water , although not to the same extent as soaps .
27 We found that Blacks were over-represented , although not to the same extent as in London , 6 per cent .
28 More disposals are likely in 1992 , although not at the same rate as last year .
29 Any particular location only appeared once in the 48 stimuli , however , stimuli consisted of 24 pairs where the two films in any pair showed an identical manoeuvre in similar traffic conditions although not at the same location .
30 Spar 's wine selection has been steadily upgraded since Philippa Carr 's arrival , and although not in the same league as the major supermarkets , it is still a very handy outlet .
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