Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Because she has not been caught either , or not so blatantly that one has had to stop pretending to look the other way .
2 ‘ Indeed , ’ he said flatly , ‘ we see one among them who does not serve you , Khan , or not so far as we are aware .
3 Male victims above the age of consent might well be perceived as homosexual or latently so even if they are not .
4 It went on falling steadily , although not so rapidly as this .
5 The environmental conditions with which the system is in equilibrium may shift , and only so long as the equilibrium can be set at new and workable positions can the species survive .
6 Citizens of the United Kingdom do , however , have an individual right of access to the European enforcement agencies whether Her Majesty 's government likes it or not , so long that is , and only so long as that government continues to accede to the Convention and the jurisdiction of the machinery which it establishes .
7 However , there do exist , and not so uncommonly that they can be safely ignored , minimal semantic constituents which consist of more than one word .
8 They probably have neither the time nor the inclination to go through the necessary learning process , and particularly so now that the more modern battery-powered devices are available and are so efficient .
9 There is nothing constitutionally mandatory about any such particular structure but , both in existing legislation and particularly so far as internal civil service organisation is concerned , such a structure is assumed and there are heavy administrative costs involved in change .
10 He knows there are times when we feel so deeply and yet so confusedly that we can not frame petitions , but simply come in silent pleading to the Lord .
11 Dana stirred her tea , swirling it round and round so rapidly that Claudia thought she would wash it out of the cup .
12 These aspects of political choice are still important but less so now than in the past .
13 Men like Pericles controlled policy not through any power vested in them but only so long as they could persuade the people .
14 Learning is a ‘ free commodity ’ , but only so long as we are thinking of knowledge as a source of intrinsic , expressive rewards .
15 Conti 's opinion was that reconciliation could be achieved , but only so long as the Scriptures were understood to speak the language of common people .
16 Paschal 's grant of 1103 certainly extended the primacy to Anselm 's successors , but only so far as it had been ‘ enjoyed by Anselm 's predecessors ’ .
17 But only so far as this : that the Pioneers did not in fact succeed in creating the Manufacturing Society as a Co-operative .
18 Sometimes the Constitution limits the executive or subordinate local bodies ; sometimes it limits the legislature also , but only so far as amendment of the Constitution itself is concerned ; and sometimes it imposes restrictions upon the legislature which go far beyond this point and forbid it to make laws upon certain subjects or in a certain way or with certain effects .
19 Suppose it is clear that convention does not dictate an answer either way in McLoughlin : convention requires that precedents be followed , but only so far as a new case is like the precedents in relevant facts , and no past case has decided whether damages must be awarded for emotional injury away from the accident 's scene .
20 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
21 A social work career was developed in connection with this work , but not so effectively as was the case in the children 's departments .
22 In fact , closed crowns had been employed in the fifteenth century , as early as the coronation of Henry IV , but not so regularly that the historian can assume that there was any conscious policy behind the practice .
23 Jerome had done foully , but not so foully as he himself and all here believed .
24 ‘ Those notices , ’ announced Gus clearly to the general air , but not so loudly as to reach unauthorised ears , ‘ mean exactly what they say .
25 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
26 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
27 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
28 I wonder if you are using ( in lectures ) a statement I remember you making in talk , but not so far as I can recall , in print .
29 By now Dr Neil was in an agony of desire , the loved one in his arms , so near and yet so far — But not so far as he thought , for McAllister suddenly wanted more from him than he was giving .
30 Sometimes I forget people too , but not so often as places .
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