Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is the paradox that the very theory which seeks to unveil these hidden realities underlying human society also comes into direct collision with them , or rather with the repressing forces which safeguard them in the unconscious of each one of us .
2 But I 'd dealt more or less with the small firms even to the the extent of collecting dues .
3 A similar situation exists with African migration where especially with the early stages of migration , out-migrants are mostly young adults ( Roberts 1978 ) .
4 Rather than confront the exchange 's Byzantine politics again to try to revive the merger talks , a nascent derivatives association is considering starting a brand-new options market , possibly under LIFFE 's arm — or even with the European Options Exchange .
5 Of course the fluctuations of Epsilon Aurigæ are noticeable with binoculars , or even with the naked eye , at the time of eclipse ; Eta makes a suitable comparison star .
6 Oligo I was unspecifically competed with no ( - ) , 10 , 50 and 500 molar excess of oligo III ( lanes 1 to 4 , respectively ) or specifically with the same amounts of unlabelled oligo I ( lanes 5 to 8 ) .
7 The houses were built of home-made brick , whitewashed , and roofed with ugly imported galvanized iron or occasionally with the smooth thatch of the native craftsman .
8 Indeed there is some evidence that only with the Argentine invasion of the Falklands and the deaths of British servicemen did the ‘ Fortress Falklands ’ policy emerge .
9 The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported that together with the former Vojvodina leadership , he was accused of undermining Serbian , and thus Yugoslav , unity [ see also p. 37156 ] .
10 The position of the UK forces in Saudi Arabia and in the Gulf area generally was that together with the armed forces of Kuwait and other coalition partners they were engaged in hostilities against Iraq under the authority of the UN Security Council ; Major specifically explained in Parliament on Jan. 28 that the UK was not in a state of war with Iraq .
11 Of these , three are minor components ( VP1 , VP4 , VP6 ) that together with the ten double stranded RNA segments of the virus genome are enclosed within the core which is composed of two major proteins ( VP3 , VP7 ) , that in turn is enclosed by the two outer virion proteins ( VP2 , VP5 ) to form the complete virus particle ( 7 , 8 ) .
12 No , not really I think erm , er first of all I think very important that especially with the Baltic share the public the should not give the commission to the Baltic public until , unless the Republic itself guaranteed the right of the Russian and minority and the Polish minority and the and the Republic .
13 Saturday was the day when she and Cissie rolled up their sleeves and turned out enough pies and bread to last the whole week , more often than not with the dubious help of Richard .
14 In the case of 44% , it only happened once ; for 29% it happened more than once with the same person ; for 19% there were three or more different people on separate occasions .
15 Although this is undoubtedly the law , it often seems to be ignored , particularly in the United States , where pointless efforts are made by doctors , albeit often with the best of intentions .
16 Critics , of course , argue that even with the best will in the world British Coal can not replace much of what is destroyed in getting the coal out of the ground .
17 The walk there took only about ten minutes and she thought that even with the frightening weakness in her legs that she had discovered the first time she got out of bed she ought to manage that distance .
18 He will recall that when I made the announcement about the TA I made the point that even with the proposed changes the people of Northern Ireland will enjoy some of the best opportunities in the United Kingdom to take part in TA service .
19 A statement from the new pressure group says clubs throughout the Foyle area feel that even with the continuing decline both in Irish stocks and water quality , the Commission has allowed over-fishing by netting to continue and is not adequately funded to deter or prevent poaching and the continued degradation of water quality throughout the system .
20 She was liable to propel into the governmental system men associated with business success , of whom Lord Young became the prototype from 1984 onwards She was truly a distinctive phenomenon , linked neither with the patrician values of the grandees in the shires , nor with the manufacturing Tories of northern England cherished by Disraelian Tory Democracy in the last century , nor again with the suburban Toryism dominant in the party in the interwar years and after 1951 .
21 Off with the old and on with the new !
22 The existing asylum procedures were clearly inadequate to deal fairly and effectively with the current level of asylum-seekers .
23 By dealing with the crisis in prisons by a Bill of this sort rather than dealing first and fundamentally with the overcrowding situation , the Home Secretary is attacking the symptoms , not the causes .
24 ( 1 ) Each member of and each beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body shall submit to the Council , in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , a covenant under seal ( referred to in these Rules as a ‘ Compensation Fund covenant ’ ) that he or it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of any shares in the body reimburse the Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Act where :
25 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] I will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
26 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
27 Certainly , the British survey researchers saw little or no need for theories ; hard facts were what was important and so with the early opinion researchers in the United States .
28 I imagine most people would want to get into this area in the smallest way and so with the smallest product , the postcard .
29 Wherever he went , first as prior at Canterbury , then as abbot of Peterborough , and finally as bishop of Rochester , Ernulf was associated with the revival of an interest in pre-Conquest traditions — with the revival of Anglo-Saxon liturgical practices at Canterbury , with the collection of Old English laws at Rochester , and perhaps with the renewed interest in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle at Peterborough .
30 Most of these were undetectable in that there were few enquiries I could pursue after the event ; for example , the purse stolen by an unknown thief an hour or two prior to the report and perhaps with the exact time and location of the theft unknown left little chance for skilled investigation .
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