Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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2 Dentdale is superb walking country : the high ridge walks along Rise Hill and Barbon Fell are amongst the best in the Dales , while lower down , the Dales Way long-distance path follows the river for much of its length into Sedbergh , and some of the wooded gills like Flinter Gill , which arc a typical feature of Dentdale , have footpaths along them leading on to the fells or on to the old packhorse routes .
3 Erm , right , what I want to do this week , is to go on to the next er , work of Freud 's , that follows after erm , group psychology , or rather to the next two , because I 'm gon na back these two books together for , hi there , , erm gon na back these two books together , because as we 'll see , they , they really deal with the same subject .
4 Whether you go to East Anglia to enjoy its individual rural charm , or perhaps to the annual Aldeburgh Festival , you will enjoy a visit to the charming Suffolk towns of Framlingham and Orford , both of which feature a splendid medieval castle .
5 Previous investigations have demonstrated how provision of emotionally relevant information can influence the way people interpret their own behaviour and in turn whether they respond emotionally or non-emotionally to a given situation .
6 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
7 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
8 And er wash the cups and And he used to have to go running er down with messages down to or down to the head office rather that we had an office in where where our fitting shop was where there was a draughtsman 's office .
9 The period of authoritarian rule has given way during the last decade or so to a democratic system that is still consolidating itself .
10 And in the course of each evening numbers rose from a dozen or so to a hundred , and then diminished as people wandered away to supper .
11 Move forward seventy years or so to a different household in another part of France .
12 Just a couple of miles from San Gimignano on the road to Certaldo , a turning on the left leads on amidst fields , olive groves and vineyards for a further mile and a half or so to the tiny hamlet of Pancole .
13 From here we had immense views , northwards across Ras Kassa 's province of Salale towards the Blue Nile gorge , or southwards to the distant Arussi mountains .
14 Its aim is to introduce people who are 50 or over to a whole new range of activities and opportunities so they can realise and put into practice their own particular talents .
15 Do you think that they erm were an asset or or or not to the actual community when they ac I mean erm looking at how things were in prior to the flats being built and and
16 Prostaglandin H 2 is an unstable compound which has a half-life of approximately five minutes , and once formed is rapidly transformed either enzymically or non-enzymically to the classical prostaglandins , prostaglandin D 2 , E 2 and F&sub2α ; .
17 Maybe we Scots and Irish have paid a high price for our long memories , but who in Scotland or Ireland has not some attitude to the Great Hunger , or the Clearances , or just to a vague morass of names , Culloden and Robert the Bruce and Rebel Songs ?
18 A charcuterie in Aurillac or Vic-sur-Cère or some other small but locally important town will possibly provide a pâté the like of which you never tasted before , or a locally cured ham , a few slices of which you will buy and carry away with a salad , a kilo of peaches , a bottle of Monbazillac and a baton of bread , and somewhere on a hillside amid the mile upon mile of golden broom or close to a splashing waterfall you will have , just for once , the ideal picnic .
19 You can do all your homework and be in the right swim during a feeding spell and then still miss the fish if you , for example , put all your baits under the far bank and the pack is moving up and down the centre of the drain or close to the near bank which in my experience is quite common .
20 He left also a timeless description of Fowey , where ‘ … the little boats that lie tethered to the rings and stancheons of the old sea wall are gaily painted as those I clambered in and out of in my own childhood … and by the windows the great vessels glide , night and day , up to their moorings or forth to the open sea . ’
21 Tipping can add £40 or more to a 10-day cruise , but some cruise lines have abolished the custom .
22 The SAS Royal Hotel invites all Amsterdam Travel Service guests staying 3 nights or more to a free 3-course dinner in the Palmboom Restaurant ( excluding drinks ) .
23 The Hotel American invites all Amsterdam Travel Service guests who stay 3 nights or more to a free dinner .
24 In any event , we have stressed that the perceptions relate as much or more to the informal context within which teachers and advisory staff work as to formal procedures .
25 Rather than travel a mile or more to the medieval church , many Thurlstoners turned to Nonconformity .
26 Thus non-agricultural activities should be considered alongside those which directly use land , and this is particularly important where there is widespread rural-urban migration with or without a remittance economy ( e.g. South Yemen where outmigration to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf has led to the abandonment of terracing ; the Rif in Morocco and Algeria ; the Nepalese hills ; Lesotho and other labour reserves of Southern Africa ; or the Andean highlands where many of the male population have migrated seasonally or permanently to the coastal cities ) .
27 But the anchorage where the destroyer headquarters ship with its rear admiral 's flag once lay , and where up to a dozen destroyers might be swinging with the tide at their buoys , was now empty water .
28 In the mid-1950s only a few of the simpler , standard power stations were beginning commissioning three to three-and-a-half years after the start of work on site , but the BEA failed to get their average performance near to that of their best or up to the similar three-year timings achieved by the Atomic Energy Authority in developing their smaller ( but more challenging ) demonstration nuclear power plants .
29 The results of companies acquired or disposed of in the year are dealt with from or up to the effective date of acquisition or disposal respectively .
30 And the ‘ trade dispute ’ itself — the central concept of the system of immunities — is now confined to disputes with a worker 's own employer only and to disputes which relate wholly or mainly to the industrial conditions of the workers in that employment unit only .
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