Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] i [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 The cheapest way to go was via Colombo and so I dropped in on the local centre there .
2 And so I wrote in to Radio Brighton , and Doctor Wisbey very kindly saw my son and confirmed that he was , in fact , dyslexic .
3 I missed several classes because they put me up in , for instance I , when I came up from the infants to the big school I missed the first standard and they put me into standard two and I went from two , three , four , five , six , seven and seven and I was only eleven , you see , so I did pretty well and then the Headmaster came to my parents and said , why do n't you let her go in for a scholarship to Stowmarket Secondary and so I went in for that and er there was one other girl went as well , there were two of us and erm , and of course we only heard during the summer break and er we passed .
4 You just take one , I just my pal had a bad or something and she was prescribed er a se , a certain kind of sleeping tablet , Tamazapam and just I started in to say amounts up to twenty five at the end of the , do you know what I mean ?
5 And erm , one day we had friends round , and I went into the loo it stinks of smoke in here , it was really bizarre , and I , I went , and sort of just thought oh , and then I went in again , and I really did smell , and I thought , this is really odd , and so when I came out here I said , did anyone else smell smoke in the ba in the bathroom , and they said oh yeah , I could smell cigarette smoke , and then , it must have just been upstairs , and it wafted down , and in through ours , cos there was no one else really around .
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