Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] have [been] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Wicked episodes were often brought to my attention , but nothing either then or since has been as evil as the man Beck .
2 No British university , in any case , is or ever has been socially exclusive , and the myth of an undergraduate Brideshead of champagne lunches set among gothic quadrangles is little more than an effect of Evelyn Waugh 's selective social recollection .
3 For several years the number of people out of work for 12 months or more had been steadily dropping , reaching a low in the North-East ( the North excluding Cumbria ) of 36,000 in October 1990 .
4 The growth in the numbers who have been without work for a year or more has been perhaps the most disturbing aspect of today 's unemployment , despite the Department of Employment 's interviewing of all the long-term unemployed , and the Government 's recent recognition of the need to direct job appointments at those who have been standing in the queue longest .
5 Once that too has been firmly fixed , she starts to erect lines crossing the gap like spokes of a wheel .
6 At the big bang itself , the universe is thought to have had zero size , and so to have been infinitely hot .
7 From that time which here and elsewhere has been vaguely defined as the dawn of civilisation , to the time when the need to have a ‘ god ’ had reached the point where traces of its implementation were left for modern man to find , must have been many thousands of years .
8 Now she knew that Fernando was in contact with Maria Luisa and probably had been right from the off .
9 Water is a major problem in this arrid region , so local technicians funded by Oxfam have set up a system with water from a local thermal spring , which up until now has been too salty to use .
10 Official statements of UK and EEC environmental policy have recently given a high profile to the need to incorporate an environmental dimension into areas of public policy which up until now have been largely unaffected by such considerations .
11 Having a vast natural range to start with and then having been extensively introduced around the world by humans , it is found virtually everywhere , in both its domestic and its wild forms .
12 Both the transition from one steady pattern to another and the onset of periodic unsteadiness can be understood as instability of the pre-existing type of convection — and indeed have been successfully analysed from that point of view .
13 At national level , informal contacts have been important in maintaining long-term bargaining relationships , for example by ‘ clarifying ’ the signals sent out by union conferences , and indeed have been sometimes used in progressing major negotiating issues .
14 This may be a future subject for harmonisation , and indeed has been specifically reserved for further consideration by the Commission .
15 And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
16 Nowhere to be seen and one of the reasons I bought the magazine was to read the article as I have a Ti'ko machine ( and incidentally have been very pleased with it ) .
17 Obviously we do n't deal with incoming , but holidays for the U K residents , yes that 's a fairly major part of our business , and certainly has been pretty successful in recent weeks .
18 It was n't Dana 's fault if Roman preferred her to her twin ; he had wanted Claudia , but once had been enough .
19 It might still be a little premature to consign famous old clubs Nottingham and Rosslyn Park to relegation , but both have been well beaten by a resurgent Bristol — whose youthful side have been setting a blistering pace at the Memorial Ground so far this season — and their other results indicate that they face an uphill struggle to maintain their First Division status .
20 It was severely damaged in 1945 , but today has been well restored , though much of the carved stonework and decorative medieval painting was not replaced .
21 She had always been surrounded by people — and was still haunted by memories and bad dreams — but essentially had been just as solitary .
22 He had it then , as clear as a map of a well-charted route unfolded on the captain 's table , what lay in store for him and for the settlement ; though the islanders had not burned wet leaves and swelled white smoke into a pillar of cloud to issue a warning , the signal might as well have been as clear .
23 In the case of Japan , however , enterprise bargaining seems as yet to have been rather less affected by centralising forces ( although , since 1973 , there has been some de facto industry-wide bargaining in the major metal industries ) .
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