Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 He liked to sit on a bench in the square and talk with , or rather be talked to by , the old retired miners .
2 Other students joined in and before long , quite spontaneously , a crowd of some 200 or so was found to be singing lustily , with Leonard as the ecstatic , unselfconscious conductor .
3 Previous generations were brought up in an age when it was thought not ‘ respectable ’ — especially for women — to enjoy sex ; and men and women over 50 or so were expected to be together ‘ for companionship ’ , to the exclusion of any sexual activity .
4 This simplified presentation takes no account of subjects dying or otherwise being lost to the study between the two observation points .
5 Some respondents may die or otherwise be lost to the study between T 1 and T 2 .
6 MORE employees than ever are committed to Courtaulds ' aim of being faster , better , more distinctive .
7 IN the days when the British car industry was a joke , one firm more than any was considered to be a laughing stock .
8 An examination of the general tone of [ military-political publications ] reveals that these political officers are among the most vocal proponents of the so-called hawkish positions that mistakenly are attributed to professional line officers by many Western observers .
9 Although BST is said to be safe and effective , the Commission says its use to produce " turbocharged " cows , capable of producing 20 per cent more milk , can not be justified on animal welfare or economic grounds at a time of overproduction by the EC 's dairy farmers .
10 . Erm but then we slept under every hedge , I think , along the south coast , till we lost our machine guns , collected anti-tank guns , and eventually were transferred to the Royal Artillery , but still with this county pride of Devon , which I 'd never met before .
11 However , as I indicated , any particular knives that enter the country or come on the market will be examined to establish whether they can properly and effectively be added to the controlled list .
12 Catalonia was cut off from the rest of the Republic by then and slowly being strangled to death .
13 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
14 The site supports a large number and wide variety of bird species and so is considered to be a Wetland Site of International Importance .
15 The subsidence costs are incurred by British Coal and so are said to be internalized .
16 However , in such studies , pipe and cigar smokers were usually defined as those who had never smoked cigarettes : these primary smokers tend not to inhale and so are exposed to relatively low amounts of tar and other harmful constituents of the tobacco smoke compared with cigarette smokers .
17 The nadir of transient UOS relaxation swas the most clearcut point and so was related to the time of onset of the common cavity episode to the nearest second .
18 Sibylle herself was only eight when Hitler came to power , and so was exposed to the intrusive influences of the Nazi state during her most formative years .
19 I am not aware of the details but the compulsory incident reporting system was found to be wanting and so was changed to a voluntary one .
20 Twelve manors , a vill and four hamlets held by subjects on the west side of the Severn from Newent in the north to Lydney , Alvington and Aylburton in the south were named : they were said to have been afforested by John , and so were claimed to be free of the Forest law .
21 The writers of the series , like other intellectuals , were aware of the ever-present possibility of backlash and apparently were advised to ‘ keep quiet ’ .
22 No-one can have shown Americans round cities such as London , Brighton or Bristol and not been subjected to gasps of horror when they see the depredation wrought on them by ill-sited high buildings and demolished streets .
23 Jane Bywaters , who has been responsible for much of the exhibition , said : ‘ We need to give people information so that they can make up their own minds about food and not be dictated to by the media and media events . ’
24 ‘ I wanted to have my own artistic input into it and not be dictated to or told what to do . ’
25 ‘ This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
26 Secondly , the switch to khozraschet meant that the press had to attract paying subscribers , who wanted to read about their own regions and not be submitted to generalized and boring directives from Moscow all the time .
27 When considering how demographic change may affect the demand and supply of health care it is important to remember that such changes in demand will affect all the major medical specialisms and not be confined to departments dealing exclusively with older people .
28 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
29 The social system is dynamic and our models of language must take account of this and not be restricted to idealised models of ‘ literal meaning ’ .
30 Can we please have our walking space back and not be restricted to ‘ pavement space ’ imposed on us by the stalls ?
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