Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The exoskeleton of the head is composed of several sclerites more or less intimately associated to form a hard , compact case or head-capsule , general works on which include those of Duporte ( 1957 ) , Gouin ( 1968 ) , Manton ( 1964 ) , Matsuda ( 1965 ) , Snodgrass ( 1947 , 1960 ) and Strenger ( 1952 ) .
2 The meso- and metathorax become more or less intimately associated to form a pterothorax and the union is often so close that the limits of those regions can only be ascertained with difficulty .
3 We have seen how entries in the internal lexicon can be more easily or less easily accessed according to whether they correspond to words which have a high or low frequency of occurrence in language .
4 Well in a modern world we 've lost the faith that certain people are appointed by God to do this for us , or especially naturally fitted to do it , so how are we going to accept the rule of some people rather than others ?
5 These can either be built into a permanent unit , or merely carefully stacked to form supports for the bits , then dismantled when not required .
6 Moving now to lesser developed countries , a general review of conservation programmes of Algeria , Tunisia and Morocco ( Bensalem in FAO 1977a : 159 ) concludes that ‘ soil conservation practices in North Africa have been focussed mainly on corrective mechanical measures , which in most cases have been insufficient or not suitably adapted to counter erosion problems ’ He goes on , like so many other commentators , about the lack of applied knowledge of both the appropriate technical options ( e.g. the successional capacity of the native plant cover which can be used to rehabilitate degraded land ) , but also , very significantly , ‘ there are soil conservation and dune afforestation schemes dating back thirty years , some succeeding and others failing , but without explanation of why ’ ( p. 159 ) .
7 ‘ Now I do n't know if I 'm more delighted , or just simply relieved to have been selected .
8 ‘ Now I do n't know if I 'm more delighted , or just simply relieved to have been selected .
9 Charity was not sufficient or evenly enough distributed to take over from out-door relief .
10 However , there are occasions when the product is either too expensive or too highly specialised to give away .
11 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
12 It was recognised that what would be most welcomed by policymakers and others was a service that not only helped to keep people out of institutions if that was their wish , but did so in a way that was both acceptable to recipients and less expensive than alternative institutional care .
13 But to his scholarly readers in Carolingian Europe that probably only served to emphasize the lesson that the interests of good kings and a flourishing church were closely intertwined .
14 Seventeen people were injured last year that we know of , er probably many more were injured that never even bothered to report it , and that 's just in Nottinghamshire .
15 On top of the alder we have a quilted maple veneer , joined down the middle — but it 's not your usual wafer-thin , cosmetic-reasons-only veneer , since it 's a good 2mm or 3mm thick and rather cleverly bent to follow the forearm chamfering on the front .
16 He was sufficiently confused by the English way of repressing emotion to characterise kind Hearts and Coronets as characteristic of Ealing movies in being emotionally quite frozen , ’ and so fastidiously determined to stay aloof from bland commercialism that he took no interest in the horror genre ( even though his later use of the Frankenstein story in his 1982 film Britannia Hospital suggests how much of a contribution he might have made in this area ) .
17 In order for such a policy to be successful and efficient the government has to have some idea of the size of any changes in tax rates and so on required to stabilize the economy , and some idea of when precisely such changes are required .
18 It seeks to reduce the numbers of people to whom Education Advisers relate in the area staff , gives Coordinators and their area secretaries the responsibility of organising programmes within their own Regions and finally , achieves the sort of balance between Regions and Overseas Groups we have sought and so far failed to achieve .
19 Ultimately , much of the debate comes down to the question of choice , the word that the Tories have so successfully colonised in rhetoric and so often failed to deliver in reality .
20 One intended to go to Gateshead college full time for a year to do five GCSEs , but was unable to get a grant or income support because she did not qualify under the 22-hour rule and so reluctantly decided to attend part time instead .
21 A special place of honour would be found for books having some close connection with an important event in history and perhaps even helped to shape it .
22 He was arrested , charged with possession of cocaine and only just missed serving a jail sentence when the court ordered him to attend a drugs rehabilitation centre .
23 A heroine of popular culture in Britain and heralded as ‘ the White Queen of Okoyong ’ , she was shy of the publicity greeting her infrequent visits to her homeland and only reluctantly agreed to lecture to raise money and consciousness for pioneer missionary work .
24 Tealtaoich stood quite still , regarding the waiting Trees and seeing that they were listening and apparently politely prepared to hear anything he had to say .
25 If these richly-endowed giants of the developing world are barely equal to the task of liberalization , Africa is much less equipped for the challenge , and much less prepared to face it .
26 The engineers were also said to have become better dressed , improved in their conduct and manners and much less given to drink : " they are decidedly better men " .
27 But he had done none of these things Instead he had kept his temper , and not even threatened to raise his hand .
28 And if they are to develop critical abilities , and to see their work in a wider perspective , that too must be built into the curriculum and not just expected to happen .
29 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
30 The innocent purchaser must have bought ( and not merely agreed to buy ) the goods .
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