Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it was necessary to come to a decision on this aspect , I would have to say that , in my judgment , to go from the grandmother 's house where she is at the moment and leaving the job she has in Birkenhead with the Social Services Department , to Canada with no work and no money and living on charity and food banks , would be an intolerable situation for the child .
2 I 'll have her brought down here to Florence as soon as she can be moved but we 'll have to leave her where she is for the moment — in fact , put me through to Pontino again now , will you ?
3 Emily is in her first year at Perin 's School where she is in the netball team , and also plays flute and piano .
4 The leader or high priest(ess) is chosen for the quality of psychic power exhibited , and how open he or she is to the life-force .
5 As long as an MP declares he or she is on the take these payments somehow are deemed acceptable .
6 ‘ And how do you check that the guest will be able to talk once he or she is on the show ?
7 Do you stay with the baby at all times when he or she is in the bath ?
8 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
9 ‘ He has had his problems this season with a knee injury to overcome but it is great that he has got where he is at the moment , ’ said Dalglish , who would not even confirm that he will give Paul Warhurst , his £2.7 million signing from Sheffield Wednesday , an Anfield debut .
10 ‘ We 're not sure where he is at the moment because he 's on leave , ’ said Major Astle .
11 Major Astle said : ‘ We 're not sure where he is at the moment because he 's on leave .
12 Robert , Kim 's father , has since moved to Paignton Zoo in South Devon , where he is in the company of some more mature females !
13 Thus , along the south coast of England the movement of material is eastwards , while on the east coast , where the dominant winds are north-east , it is southwards , except along part of the north Norfolk coast where it is towards the west .
14 Establish exactly where it is with the aid of the locator system … and then introduce your Norfolk long-spade. push the blade 10 or 12 inches ( 25 or 30 centimetres ) into the ground immediately above the exact position of the ferret as defined by the locator and then put your ear to the ash shaft of the long-spade .
15 Section 50C(2) provides a specific example of when this may be necessary , that is , where it is for the purpose of error correction .
16 Since harm was the guiding principle , section 2(4) provided that ‘ a person publishing an article shall not be proceeded against for an offence at common law … where it is of the essence of the offence that the matter is obscene ’ .
17 CHILDREN IN SEX CASES Save in exceptional circumstances where it is in the public interest to do so , newspapers should not , even where the law permits it , identify children as victims , witnesses or defendants involved in cases concerning sexual offences .
18 How does the kingfisher manage to catch the fish , no matter — within limits — where it is in the water ?
19 Questions relating to an offence may not be put to a person after he has been charged with that offence , or informed that he may be prosecuted for it , unless they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to some other person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement , or where it is in the interests of justice that the person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed that he might be prosecuted .
20 ( b ) Transfer to the county court A magistrates ' court may transfer any public law case ( other than proceedings relating to emergency protection orders , contribution orders ( see Chapter 16 , 5 ) and certain appeals relating to privately fostered children ( see Chapter 18 , 6 ) , child minders and day care facilities ( see Chapter 19 ) ) to a county court care centre where it is in the child 's interests to do so because : ( i ) the case is exceptionally grave , important or complex ; ( ii ) it is appropriate for the case to be heard with other family proceedings pending in the county court ; or ( iii ) transfer is likely significantly to accelerate the determination of the proceedings ( APO , art 7 ) .
21 It does n't matter where it is in the letter .
22 It wants to be among the top three software-systems integration houses in France by the end of 1994 , where it is among the top five today , Tordjman said .
23 The program stack is where BBCBASIC(Z80) records where it is within the structure of your program .
24 Either the contract is between the person acquiring a copy of the system ( the " acquirer " ) and the dealer or it is between the acquirer and the software company in which case the dealer acts as the company 's agent .
25 Or it is like the light pictures that enter the eyes lenses and escape into the vastness of the tundra and like ice crystals on the windows , they freeze and become the light flowers that bloom on the endless snow fields .
26 The senior nurse on each ward or in each community unit is the lynch pin in developing managerial awareness in registered nurses , as she or he is in the development of any activity within the ward setting .
27 Is it what is on the glass , or what is on the glass plus what is seen through the glass , or just the glass itself ?
28 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
29 Who or what is behind the phenomena ?
30 Avoiding long-drawn-out negotiations and yet ensuring that everyone is in the know is part of the task of governors .
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