Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] very [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Exasperated by the resistance of the Cabinet to new ideas he resigned from the Government and took his ease to the Labour party Conference in October 1930 , where he very nearly won it .
2 One reason is that nothing very much happened between October 1963 and October 1964 in terms of high policy .
3 ‘ The answer to the latter question is that I very much doubt it .
4 " I 've been wanting to tell you , Nenna , that I very much doubt whether you 're strong enough to undertake all the work you do on Grace .
5 It was a piece of work that I very much enjoyed organising and following through to completion .
6 I also place it on record that I very much welcomed the Minister 's attitude in Committee .
7 What is perhaps most curious about the characterization of Margery after the trick has been played is that she very soon drops all reference to — and therefore seems to be portrayed as forgetting — the threat she believes the clerk to pose .
8 ‘ I would say that you very much belong here .
9 We have learned , for example , that when you think of your University days , your department and your friends feature most frequently in your thoughts ; that you prefer the idea of reunions of your department or your contemporaries to University-wide events ; that you like the idea of the regional ‘ roadshows ’ ; and that you very much want to know where all your old friends are and what they 're up to now .
10 I hope that you very much enjoy your well earned rest and that Christmas is a happy time for you and your family .
11 Thanks to all the readers who replied , and thanks for the nice things that you very often said .
12 er we built our business by word of mouth introductions er which means that we very rarely advertise .
13 Does the right hon. Gentleman understand that we very much welcome his commitment to taking the path of democracy regardless of where it leads ?
14 As he told Fred Emery on Panorama , ‘ from the moment that decision was taken to cancel the opportunity for a collective judgement to be taken , I knew that something very wrong had happened . ’
15 Those who dismissed the movies were also dishonest in the sense that they very rarely conceded that the whole tone of feature films had been moulded by politicians and largely middle-class pressure groups and religious organizations who had ceaselessly clamoured for censorship and for films to be morally edifying and uplifting .
16 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
17 This was just an excuse : the real reason they wanted to come was that they very much needed food at home .
18 I know that the Labour party is likely to conduct a vendetta against part-time workers , many of whom are women , although when women are asked what they think about part-time work , they reply that they very much appreciate it .
19 That he very rarely said he loved you rang a warning bell , as did the fact that you appeared to think he spent his time alone if he was n't with you .
20 The intrusive Boswell then took another liberty — ; that of pointing out to Johnson ‘ that he very often sat quite silent for a long time , even when in company with only a single friend ’ , at which Johnson reminded Boswell of an acquaintance who had once observed , ‘ Sir , you are like a ghost : you never speak till you are spoken to . ’
21 The Major had told us that he was plagued with poachers , particularly since the new road had been driven up the hill from the Aberfeldy side ; and that he very much doubted if there were any fish left in Loch a'Chait .
22 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
23 Having said that , one friend is staying over until Boxing Day , and I very nearly lied to her .
24 Resented by the air crews as well as the travelling public , it was not a good atmosphere in which to work , and I very soon decided it was not for me .
25 MH : And I very often have several paintings on the go , particularly oils .
26 When giving instruction in thermal soaring , I try to insist that students go on attempting to find lift until about 5–600 feet , and I very often explain my own thoughts and precautions as they do the flying .
27 Immediately after the 1983 general election the CPRS was disbanded and I very much doubt it will ever be resurrected .
28 And I very much hope you do .
29 Leslie and I very much enjoyed the situation , though I felt just a little guilty at flaunting a privilege denied to my friends .
30 You have n't ‘ become a poor correspondent ’ at all , and I very much enjoyed your last letter , thankyou .
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