Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] get [art] first " in BNC.

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1 There she acquired the qualifications that took her in 1881 to Newnham College , Cambridge , where she got a first in the moral sciences tripos in 1884 , and a second in history in 1885 ; she also helped to form the Association of Assistant Mistresses .
2 You get the first week will seem a bit strange but once you get the first week over you 're alright then .
3 It was on one of Mike 's rest days , when I went along with Christophe to do some sound recordings , that we got the first view of what was to become an obsession for Mike and me over the next two and a half years .
4 My application to do research at Cambridge was accepted , provided I got a first , but to my annoyance my supervisor was not Hoyle but a man called Denis Sciama , of whom I had not heard .
5 Middle of the following week and we got the first reconciliation yesterday .
6 until we got the first order .
7 Strach said before the match ‘ if we get the first goal , then there 's only gon na be one winner ’ — fair enough , but you 've got to get the first goal .
8 … half the year had gone , the clear smoke-free distances of early summer a thing of the past , and midsummer day over , before I got the first clue .
9 However , I had hardly got started before I got the first complaint .
10 I remember being thrilled when I got the first whicker of recognition from my horse and most people feel happier and more confident riding a horse they know — even if it is n't well behaved !
11 Could n't believe it when they got the first goal after ten seconds
12 The hero was being filmed taking his 10-month-old baby to the pool when he gets the first indication he is going to be threatened .
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