Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] there [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All he did was throw up a question mark — was Britain doing the right thing ? — but to us it was the first sign that someone out there thought that government strategy might be wrong .
2 I want to know that someone out there cares for me , not that I 've got no one or nothing .
3 The 22-year-old Bath back-row forward 's astonishing winding road to glory has taken more twists than a roller-coaster , the most recent providing ample proof ‘ that somebody up there has decided I am going to make it ’ .
4 They proved that somebody out there listens .
5 Moira shouts ‘ Scottie is that you up there watching a mummy 's and daddy 's video ? ’
6 It 's only when you are on the top floor and you look down on life on the bottom floor that everything down there looks smaller than normal . ’
7 Afraid they would come after me , that Harry would be punished on my account ; that worse might befall Daisy and I not there to help
8 It also seemed as if somebody up there had decided to have a laugh at the expense of an arguably premature rave by yours truly .
9 I guess I could use an original if anybody out there has one going spare .
10 As the sun set on a great day , they all made their way home , awaiting the next challenge , so if anybody out there fancies their chances , just ring the Sheffield Pest Control branch .
11 If anyone out there wants a crane , makes an offer to Bristol Works Department in about three years ' time — they bought it cheap ( £16,000 ) because nobody else wanted a crane that could n't be moved about easily !
12 And if anyone out there has a story of their own , then the word from these new authors is to follow the traditional indie creed .
13 ‘ When I left school I was nowhere , but someone up there put me in the situation I find myself in now .
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