Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wandered in from time to time looking , usually , for something which was out of print or which no other bookseller had come around to stocking .
2 But no , not only is he or she a competent scientist , but also something of a lab-coat frocked economist .
3 I do not consider he or she a terrible mistake which I will regret for the rest of my life , and I do n't feel I have lost important years of my adolescence .
4 English or something a different race if you like , you 're to put it down .
5 And I came home about I do n't ken , maybe eight o'clock in the morning or something a beautiful morning .
6 Should not one of the objectives of our privatisation programme be to give British Coal , or whoever the private company may be , the freedom to produce electricity from its coal and to sell that electricity through the national grid ?
7 We get the husband , or whoever the jealous party was , bounding into the boudoir and catching 'em copulating .
8 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
9 New group " pictures " give him or her a new range of emotional responses .
10 The art of making a good deal as an agent is to keep the promoter 's costs down , while allowing him or her a sufficient budget to make sure the event is successful .
11 That either they have n't been able to think about it very carefully , not looking at the real options , or have n't got an electric point , so they ca n't have an electric shredder , or whatever the appropriate way of dealing with the more sort of shrubby erm waste that they 're likely to have .
12 Alan and I served er , together as er , deputy Chairs , or vice-Chairs or whatever the appropriate words are for several years er , and I erm , well I think I would adopt the words that he used about the experience that he has had in the Chair , to whit , that his companionship and his contribution to our affairs has been stimulating , enlightening and particularly enjoyable .
13 But honestly , Folly , I would n't dream of blackmailing them or whatever the old bat thinks I 'm going to do .
14 If we take the view that pragmatics is concerned only with grammatically encoded aspects of context ( see definition ( 8 ) above ) , then we might propose a tidy division of labour between pragmatic and sociolinguistic accounts of honorifics : pragmatics would be concerned with the meaning of honorifics ( e.g. with the specification that V encodes that the addressee is socially distant or superior ) , while sociolinguistics would be concerned with the detailed recipes for usage of such items ( e.g. the specification that amongst some segment of the speech community , V is used to aunts , uncles , teachers and so on , or whatever the local facts are ) .
15 Just spent 24 hours on a bus with the dashboard covered in St Christophers or whatever the local version hereabouts is .
16 The optimistic , structuring of an art form until it appears to be on tiptoe in defiance and compliance with gravity … or whatever the dominant forcefield may be .
17 Visual information and not just , you know , kids and or whatever the popular press thinks you are .
18 But , before Robert had the chance to ask him about the Golden Calf of the Druze , or what a Nizari Ismaili might be , or how many of either group might be lurking around Wimbledon , the bell sounded for the end of break , and , below them , in the Great Hall , he heard the sounds of the whole school assembling for nature , recreation and Islamic dancing .
19 You want to pat yourself on your , on your back and think you know what a good boy I am , or what a good girl I am , and of course you 're doing , your superego is doing to you what your parents would 've done as , as , when you were a child , they 're rewarding you saying good boy , good girl , have n't you been good ?
20 Little does he realise what villainy and treachery lurk in the little town of Sinkport , or what a hideous fate may await him there .
21 It 's not a question of what a company can do for a day centre , or what an environmental group can do for a business , it 's a question what we can all do together , for the community .
22 Yeah okay I mean this is all what these schemes or what the current school of thought is .
23 The twelve environment ministers of the European Community have agreed that market forces can and should be used to environmental ends , but they failed to decide on the measures to be used or what the environmental ends should be .
24 The usual way of finding out what sort of Christmas the trade had , or what the high street thinks of the year just finished , is to do a ring round of booksellers and publishers and then report the opinions thus canvassed .
25 What the High Court or what the local authority have to consider is how do we protect the welfare of those children ?
26 He realized , suddenly , he did n't want to know who or what the little boy was .
27 ‘ Once I dealt with every newspaper and broadcasting medium in the country , ’ he says , ‘ now I walk in fear of the Hartlepool Mail , or what The Northern Echo will make of me . ’
28 I FIND a lot of anxiety among people about the dividing lines between the seasons of the year , or what the French call pre-Mistral tension .
29 He tried how he could bear it by putting his fingers into the lighted candle , so I the other day tried if I could scour a pewter plate .
30 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
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