Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dey hav fe get it right or dey get verbal reaction .
2 In some cases , where I have personal experience , I shall go into the depth of the technical details .
3 In my business , either I cut my costs or I find new business .
4 Or I have supreme confidence in myself that she will return to me , ’ he told her smoothly .
5 However the tests applied are sufficiently broad to catch material which encourages the use of dangerous drugs or which advocates criminal violence .
6 The race was only open to vehicles which ran on unorthodox fuels , or which had internal combustion engines modified for greater energy efficiency .
7 Belvoir was not her only house , for her late husband the 9th Duke restored Haddon Hall where she took particular pleasure in the rose terraces .
8 Rosalba tried to respond , turning to her friend and patting down a curl or two round her face ; then she adjusted the combs which held her friend 's hair behind her ears , where she wore small gold hoops .
9 Her own first excavation was at the Devil 's Tower , Gibraltar , where she found Neanderthal skull fragments .
10 Lesley , who is single , was taken straight to the operating theatre where she underwent immediate surgery on severe injuries to her stomach .
11 Mrs Easby , 58 , has returned to her house in Minors Crescent , Darlington , from Harefield Hospital , Middlesex , where she underwent life-saving surgery to replace one of her lungs .
12 The Grovel Industry , where you get paid danger money because it 's so insecure .
13 Yeah , you 've got one where you get bass reflex
14 Not only can this play hell with the smooth operation of a network , it can be a nightmare to troubleshoot , especially where you have long cable runs between machines .
15 where you have insufficient service to quality for unfair dismissal rights ;
16 Walk along the road until you come to Overton Hall Farm where you bear sharp right down bend in track .
17 Or you know sludgy sort of colour like this
18 Or you get freezing cold and covered in mud .
19 If you do not give us this information , or you give false information , you may be subject to a penalty of £50 for the first offence and £200 for any subsequent offence .
20 If you can afford private treatment , or you have medical insurance cover to pay for it , you may prefer to take on a full treatment programme with the specialist physiotherapist .
21 For someone suffering from addiction there is no such thing as free choice : he or she gets unconditional damage from the addictive use of drugs or alcohol .
22 The marine invertebrate keeper will encounter more uninvited guests than other hobbyists if he or she uses living rock to decorate their tanks .
23 There is also a strong sense of' learning' , in which the student identifies with the truth claim he or she is faced with , and can offer it ( for example , back to the consultant physician ) as something with which he or she had personal experience ( having had an opportunity to examine some patients ) .
24 However , there are both practical and legal problems in cases where the woman says that she consented through fear only : she did not resist , because she thought that it would be hopeless in the circumstances , she was terrified , or she feared serious violence .
25 He or she brings good sight and the beginnings of visual discrimination .
26 If your child is under 16 , he or she still has the right to consent to or refuse an HIV test if the doctor feels he or she has sufficient maturity and understanding .
27 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
28 The subjects in one of the trials referred to were patients in whom pain control was inadequate or who had appreciable side effects , which is why the cerebrospinal fluid was accessed .
29 As far as possible , the trained staff on our non-emergency vehicles are reserved for high-dependency patients , travelling on wheelchairs , or even stretchers , or who require significant assistance on or off the vehicle .
30 ‘ Often , operatives who are self-taught or who have minimal instruction will use the equipment for a very limited range of tasks , never realising its full potential .
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