Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 Or them ones at the shops , I catch you in there I 'll kill you .
2 The idea of macro-connectionism is to shorten the distance between the expert 's reasoning at the start of a project and the capture of his or her expertise at the finish .
3 For papers with seven potential authors the principal investigator may decide to omit one author and instead acknowledge his or her help at the end of the article .
4 The lowest price for which shares can be repurchased is zero pence so that an investor can only hope to double his or her investment at the most .
5 After her small bedroom at home , where beloved old ornaments belonging once to her mother jostled for space with a basket of ironing she had n't yet had time for , and nursing textbooks that would n't fit on her one small bookshelf , or her room at the nurses ' home , where exotic travel posters — gleaned from a travel agent next to her father 's hardware shop — could n't disguise the institutional plainness of the furnishings , this room seemed palatial .
6 Here I need mention only that my work at the Staff College and the Royal Military College in Baghdad put me under suspicion of espionage , and that had the pro-Nazi rebellion of Raschid Ali of May 1941 ( during which I was given protection in the American Embassy ) been successful , I should have fared badly , as it was surmised much later that I was on the rebels ' hit list .
7 ‘ And then , well , although I 'd felt that my outburst at the time of Simon 's death had wrecked our relationship , I found myself wondering if there was a chance of rekindling it .
8 He said : ‘ Well then , I 've got something to say about him , and it 's a bit juicier than my nonsense at the dog track .
9 So hospitals had been home and although my stay at the Winchester one was not to be long , I saw no reason why it should n't function in exactly the same way .
10 They fear that its place at the cutting edge of environmental radicalism has been taking by groups such as Earth First .
11 Bitterly , she realised that her night at The Angel with Freddie Nash had shackled her in a way which , even if she had stopped to think about the possible consequences at the time , she could scarcely have envisaged .
12 If we ascribe this to the archetype of the Great Mother , then it seems that her presence at the time of death reveals one of her most compassionate aspects .
13 Dacic , who specialises in Eastern European artists such as Braco Dimitrijevic and Georg Ettle noted with satisfaction that her audience at the fair continued to be ‘ insiders ’ , intensive collectors from Belgium , England and the Netherlands .
14 More and more Conservatives , in and out of the House , are coming to believe that their chances at the election would be stronger under a different leader .
15 For very form 's sake , and because , after all , Stair was his brother , he had stayed with the party through one act of a musical comedy at the Gaiety Theatre where they had made so much noise that their departure at the first interval must have pleased the audience which they had left behind , had gone to Quaggers — Quaglino 's — to dine — which meant drink — in a private room , and were now on their way to crown their evening 's pleasure by ‘ Pushing the boat out for Havvie ’ , Stair 's witticism .
16 Members now believe that their success at the polls depends , ultimately , almost entirely on their own efforts .
17 More sensitive than their counterparts at the beginning of the decade had been to the technical qualities of Hollywood films , the critics of the time constantly drew attention to the gap between the aspirations and the achievements of British films .
18 This proved stronger than her irritation at the surprise in the young doctor 's face .
19 Barnett J. went on to hold that the district judge had mistakenly overlooked the reversal of the burden of proof at the second stage but that this had not vitiated his assessment of the material and arguments , nor his arrival at the correct conclusion that the prosecution had discharged the burden thus placed upon it .
20 A couple of hours passed , her spirits sinking lower , and then Philip came in , pleased , to say that his chum at the yard with contacts where demolition work was going on , had all that 43 needed , and it was in a van outside .
21 It was apparent that his attendance at the coming Party Conference must be assumed to be very unlikely , and that the question of replacing him as leader could arise .
22 But , as a two-time General Election loser — and a perceived drag on his own party 's prospects — there were few who did not concede that his career at the top of British politics was at an end .
23 It is said that his height at the time of his death was only 39 inches .
24 He was having a wonderful time , and had at least , she noticed , retained enough good sense to make sure that his losses at the table were minimal .
25 The talk at the Dôme and Rotonde struck him as far more amusing than his lessons at the Lycée and before long he had dropped out of school .
26 → I do n't think that our look at the Carlton Combo was anything other than a fair , unbiased review of a new product which just happens to incorporate a different technology along the way .
27 The feeling is that our resources at the moment are rather stretched with existing projects to allow us to get involved with these very interesting , but , in the case of ‘ Dialaphone ’ , rather specialized publishing proposals .
28 Mr. Richardus , the manager , and all the staff will ensure that your stay at the Hotel Ark will be an enjoyable and memorable one .
29 Adjust your times so that your ETA at the holding point coincides with a time based on your last acknowledged position report , and flight plan for times for each section of the route .
30 Me father used to sit at one side of the fireplace and me aunt at the other one , and they would sit and talk about the Bible .
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