Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 so that even if we get a young person coming out of the workshops that may not be the best electrician going , we can find them something in a related area — an electrical warehouse , where their knowledge of the bits that they know will be put to good use and they 'll still be in that environment they want to work in .
2 There are other things he has , on his own admission , not fully investigated , like the value of the DRG properties , or which part of the DRG business he would keep after the break up .
3 You know how it is on ferries — you get a bit disoriented , you never know if you 're on A deck or B deck , or which bit of the outside you 're getting to when you go through a door — the front , the stern , or the sides .
4 Such an invitation should give an indication of what pictures could be taken or which parts of the event lend themselves to photographs .
5 These should include an indication of how the participants of the consensus group were selected and whether their conclusions were based on their original research or their interpretation of the available literature .
6 Firstly , knowledge on the part of the seller , bailor , transferor or their agent of the purpose for which the goods are sought .
7 The expected utility of a non-member can be written as The ith worker joins the union if and only if , that is , where Thus the individual joins when his or her evaluation of the reputation gain from complying with the custom of membership exceeds the utility loss from paying union dues .
8 The actions of the pupil in the above example will depend in part on his or her interpretation of the way others see him or her .
9 A conveyancer is just as much dependent upon being well organised and having a methodical mind as upon his or her knowledge of the law .
10 Those who saw the 30 yard putt she holed stone dead at the eighth , or her playing of the 18th , where she hit a glorious seven iron to ten feet before holing for her birdie , could be forgiven for wondering what on earth she was talking about .
11 This is not to suggest that today 's B Ed student is less competent than his or her counterpart of the 1950s or early 1960s .
12 The pupil may come to perceive the teacher and fellow pupils and friendly and understanding and so change his or her assessment of the situation .
13 This definition may be confirmed , modified or changed depending on his or her perception of the interaction which takes place in the classroom .
14 Most important of all , to ensure that a school 's management plan makes a difference at the level of classroom management , there has to be an assessment of the extent to which the quality of individual children 's work is affected by an individual teacher 's classroom management and by his or her adoption of the relevant part of the school plan .
15 For example , if the pupil maintains his or her definition of the classroom as threatening and hostile , he or she may say little and speak only when spoken to .
16 One of the tourists , quite definitely , would not be able to produce his or her copy of the Oxford stage of the programme , for the yellow sheet found in Parson 's Pleasure was now safely with forensics ; might even produce some new evidence .
17 They fail to control his or her use of the substance or process of addiction so , next , they may attempt to control what they perceive as his or her " reasons " for use and come to protect him or her from its consequences .
18 Sufferers from the family disease can no more control their addiction to " self-denial " and " caretaking " by themselves than any primary sufferer can control his or her use of the substance or behaviour of addiction in the absence of support from the Anonymous Fellowships .
19 Payment of some ( say , half ) of the proceeds may be delayed until the vendor has completed his or her side of the bargain and delivered the relevant shares .
20 Some of these services might come from the LEA 's administrative budget or its share of the General Schools ' Budget : others could be provided at cost to the users .
21 Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead . ’
22 They came to a wonderful peak towards the end of his life where his love of the countryside , its changing weather , lights and moods brought forth a series of remarkable , free-spirited watercolours .
23 The salaried partner will rarely agree to accept full responsibility for the debts of the firm along with the equity partners where his share of the profits is finite and his involvement in management restricted .
24 In social research , perhaps the most famous example is that of Elton Mayo 's study of American girls in a factory , where his observations of the importance of the creation of social groups led to the development of a whole school of thought in social psychology .
25 Diaper 's best poetry is contained in Nereides and the translation of Oppian , where his descriptions of the ocean and of aquatic life are startling and individual .
26 His influence can clearly be seen in both Fabianism , where his analysis of the unearned increment reached a receptive audience , and New Liberalism , which developed his later concerns about distributive justice .
27 Gratitude to him has always been greater in the Orthodox churches of the East than in the West , where his domination of the church has often not been regarded as an altogether unmitigated good , at least in its consequences .
28 This will be done : ( 1 ) annually in accordance with Revenue requirements ( see Chapter 10 ) ( Clause 12.01 ) ; and ( 2 ) extraordinarily upon the departure of one of the partners in connection with the payment out to him or his estate of the value of his partnership share ( Clause 20.02.1 ) .
29 Next , and perhaps most importantly , the user has a flexible easy to use system , so when inevitably his requirements change , he can change the system or his use of the system .
30 or whatever day of the week it is .
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