Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [Wh det] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When Sir John Donaldson was appointed to succeed Lord Denning in July 1982 , this was seen as a strongly political appointment and one which the Prime Minister favoured .
2 The kingdom of Fib ( Fife ) with Forthreve ( Kinross-shire ) , possibly a dependent territory of Fortriu and one which the Northumbrian Cuthbert visited as prior of Melrose in the course of his pastoral responsibilities , was probably also subjugated .
3 When that work is taken away , the dog becomes a luxury and one which the simple people of that time could not afford .
4 I do think there are problems and difficulties , I do n't think it will be easy , not least because we do n't have a shared morality and a shared consensus , on the objectives for the voluntary sector , but it is a set of concerns which we must address , er , and I believe that if , if I 've done nothing else today , I 've kicked off a debate , or I 've contributed to a debate which was already rolling , erm , and that we must address those difficulties , and try and find ways through them , because there are opportunities as well as threats in the current situation and I believe we have to look at all of those er , so that we can move into the nineteen nineties which I believe will be a very exciting period for the voluntary sector , and one which the voluntary sector should er , see as exciting , grab the opportunities and move forward .
5 Lawyers may rightly point out that this does not constitute , of itself , an effective restriction on any statutory power or discretion , but it is an important statement of policy , and one which the statutory and voluntary guardians of amenity will seize upon whenever it is infringed .
6 One which the developer would prefer and one which the local authority and maybe sustainability policies would prefer .
7 To accept the truth of these accounts is a simple but giant step , and one which the academic and professional community is by its own self-definition incapable of taking : a social group which bases its very existence on its own claims to cleverness would risk its life if it opened even one ear to the voices of fools and heretics , especially when the topic itself is about foolishness in the form of ‘ learning difficulties ’ .
8 Within the natural sciences there was little of that passionate and puzzled confrontation which occurs when there is a clash , not of different hypotheses , but of different ways of looking at the same problem , i.e. when one party proposes not merely a different answer , but one which the other party considers to be impermissible or ‘ unthinkable ’ .
9 Burning Bartle is not an especially spectacular event , but one which the local people are determined to keep going .
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