Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A place that people come up and give you double your washing powder , where , when you wear a certain pair of shoes , your sports performance will reach the dizzy heights of your professional heroes , where everyone has perfect teeth .
2 However the tests applied are sufficiently broad to catch material which encourages the use of dangerous drugs or which advocates criminal violence .
3 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
4 There is close co-operation with other departments in the Faculty , so that research which involves international or European law , or other branches of law , or which has theoretical dimensions , may also be pursued .
5 But I suppose it might explain one of the greatest mysteries of her 40-year reign — where she gets those shoes and handbags .
6 Uma Thurman stars as a hitch-hiker who ends up working at a pansexual beauty ranch , where she joins fellow workers in rebelling against the owners and their male-servicing feminine hygiene products .
7 The Marr technique of painting is to go and visit the subject , where she makes copious notes on eye colour and other little idiosyncrasies that will help catch the soul of the dog .
8 For someone suffering from addiction there is no such thing as free choice : he or she gets unconditional damage from the addictive use of drugs or alcohol .
9 If the sociologist is present at the moment of speech-production , whether as observer or interviewer , then he or she plays some part in the creation of the dialogue .
10 The marine invertebrate keeper will encounter more uninvited guests than other hobbyists if he or she uses living rock to decorate their tanks .
11 All too easily , he or she forms subjective opinions about the relative sales potential of different territories , but lacks an objective framework for setting sales quotas .
12 See that your client initials all alterations to any document executed , and that he or she signs any plan attached to it — this being unnecessary , however , if the plan is drawn on the actual document .
13 Probably the most accurate statement would be that a person intends to kill if it is his or her purpose to kill by the act or omission charged , or if he or she foresees that death is practically certain to follow from that act or omission .
14 He or she brings good sight and the beginnings of visual discrimination .
15 The necessity for longer periods with individual readers has begun to affect the organisation of reading in the classroom ; the teacher finds that he or she needs more time .
16 Private property as a notion conflates the direct relationship between the individual and those objects with which he or she is associated in self-construction with those over which he or she has legal rights .
17 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
18 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
19 A writer is also eligible if he or she has three works broadcast on the radio or the television .
20 With the help of 106 pairs of identical twins , Dr Colin Johnston and colleagues at King 's College Hospital and st Bartholomew 's Hospital in London showed that the risk of developing diabetes is far greater if a person has both DR3 and DR4 than if he or she has either antigen alone ( British Medical Journal , p 286 , vol 253 ) .
21 If your child is under 16 , he or she still has the right to consent to or refuse an HIV test if the doctor feels he or she has sufficient maturity and understanding .
22 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
23 For the credit marketer who is looking either to reach higher volumes of target customers throughout the country , or who needs higher volumes of names for a rolled-out marketing campaign , this restriction forms and important limitation .
24 The manager , symbolically , takes his or her ‘ tin cup ’ in hand and walks around the organization ‘ begging ’ for involvement , seeing who has a little bit to chip in , who has a few spare budget dollars to invest , who has a staff member to lend , who will be on the advisory committee , or who has key data .
25 On the stage , where one has less time to dwell on the cadence or suggestion of the individual words , me cruelty is unendurable .
26 Why has the image of farming gone from one where the farmer was respected as the provider of food for the nation to one where he gets enormous subsidies to produce food mountains and is a burden on the taxpayer ?
27 His gallery is a grand townhouse on East 79th Street where he trades modern masters , including art from the estate of Pierre Matisse , which he purchased in partnership with Sotheby 's , and blue-chip post-war American and European paintings by Jackson Pollock , Rothko , de Kooning and Francis Bacon .
28 where he drinks nine pints a night .
29 He wanders lonely valleys and isolated copses , where he plays enticing music on his flute .
30 I know of one evangelist who puts aside one day a month for prayer and retreat at a Roman Catholic monastery where he receives much support .
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