Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb base] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
2 I have sometimes taken on a role where I have been injured , a plague victim , and used the role to become Devil 's Advocate , suggesting that one of the more aggressive boys in a class " Finish me off . "
3 I 've had before where I have been told waited and helped people finish their
4 I 'm a perfectly engineered Kill machine , which will carry out its orders until they 've been implemented or I 've been destroyed .
5 I tried many many times , and hundreds and hundreds of ways to find him , and the man just does n't exist , or I 've been told he does n't exist .
6 The rest will be given or sold to the public , while those works for which a home can not be found or which have been damaged beyond repair by the years of neglect and the atrocious conditions in which they were kept , will be destroyed in a bonfire .
7 He 's particularly concerned about the threatened tropical rain forests and has used materials which are either in abundance , or which have been recycled or reclaimed .
8 Alkali soluble soils : are organic soils normally found in heavy layers adhering to surfaces or which have been compacted or allowed to dry out and become hard .
9 There are other provisions of the 1981 Act which have either created difficulties in practice ( as in the case of s.8 which is headed ‘ Confidentiality of Jury 's Deliberations ’ ) or which have been interpreted restrictively ( as in the case of s.10 , which is concerned with the protection of journalists ' sources of information ) .
10 You 've got all red eyes there where you 've been crying .
11 Or who have been abused .
12 The Red Cross primarily visits those inmates who are former National Guardsmen or who have been sentenced for counter-revolutionary activity .
13 Right-wing women have relatives and friends in the army and police forces whose lives are in danger or who have been killed in the civil war .
14 At the same time , the inner city forms the ‘ sink ’ to which gravitates a range of marginal and minority groups , including non-white immigrants , young single people , one-parent families and various types of social deviants who prefer the anonymity of big-city life or who have been ostracized by their community of origin ( Knox , 1982 ; Peach , 1982 ) .
15 Some of these are children who have no parents or who have been abandoned , and these will be long-term cases .
16 Vocal opposition , such as it is , has come from people who are retired from public life , who have been purged or pushed to one side by the Ceausescu leadership , or who have been forced to make do with a moral posture on key issues , registering their dissent , but no more .
17 Where we 've been doing comparable work on er the Kings Cross Project , we wer we told by the old project team that we were very much cheaper than Birmingham .
18 However , the know-how fund is doing extremely good work throughout the former Soviet republics , where we have been asked for that help , as it is in the rest of central and eastern Europe .
19 But there may have been incidents where we have been involved .
20 So what we are aiming to do is to set up more joint projects , like the one on financial instruments , where we have been working very closely with Canada .
21 Market Opportunities where we have been retained by vendors and where a sales memorandum has been prepared .
22 CCG have been retained by NEI/ABB on the site of National Power 's new power station at Killingholme and at Powergen 's Killingholme combined Cycle Power Plant where we have been retained by Siemens plc .
23 Nothing happens on the property in Kent — from which I conclude that our plans have either misfired or we have been seen through ( now there 's a possibility to douse even your ever-optimistic spirit ) and from you I hear nothing at all .
24 Taxes Act 1988 , s678 deals with the situation where capital sums are paid by a connected company to the settlor and where there have been associated payments made by the trustees to that company .
25 ‘ Not on a degree course but at the Cultural Centre for Foreigners where they 've been going since last September . ’
26 Where where they 've been bombing it
27 The sixteen paintings seem likely to remain with the Uffizi , where they have been stored for some time .
28 Mobile genetic elements have been found in most microorganisms where they have been sought ( for a review see 1 ) .
29 Their relationships with each other and with later hominoids is still uncertain , but as they represent different evolutionary trends I am going to distinguish them taxonomically at the level of tribe , where they have been distinguished at generic level before .
30 The group runs workshops where the women watch videos and then hold discussion groups and where they have been taught how to make simple handicrafts .
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