Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [prep] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Flat brush strokes and dragged ones were compared and there was a realization that ‘ … if you isolate any area of paint … you 're looking at a much more complex thing than you at first thought you were ’ .
2 Can it be demonstrated that what at first sight appears to be a paradigm case of indigenous , national forces dispossessing transnational corporations , is in fact a clear illustration of the emergence of the transnational capitalist class in Nigeria ?
3 This observation may suggest that what at first sight seems a limited survival advantage in the meta-analysis reported by Souquet et al may loom larger to the patients concerned .
4 And their of first office as I recall as a little boy , was on the q quay as we used to say in Porthmadog .
5 As we shall see later in this essay , however , there is a definite , and what at first sight may appear to be surprising , degree of isomorphism between the two perspectives .
6 You get one video and what at first glance looks like a child 's painting book .
7 And what about next week 's game ?
8 And what about last year 's winner Party Politics .
9 And what about last month 's newsletter , that emotive nonsense about the midnight trains of death trundling silently through the northern suburbs of London ?
10 ‘ From … from what I gathered from the nurse it was n't as serious as they at first thought .
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