Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [prep] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This , however , is not helpful , for ‘ chose in action ’ is a notoriously vague term used to describe a mass of interests which have little or nothing in common except that they confer no right to possession of a physical thing , and which range from purely personal rights under a contract to patents , copyrights and trade marks .
2 basically the criteria is what is the most , how is it most sensibly dealt with , right , cos you do n't want a or somebody like that rushing all over the bleeding country going to Aberdeen one minute , Edinburgh the next
3 It has operated on the rather inequitable basis of paying different amounts of money or none at all according to the source of disability rather than its extent .
4 You know , it 's got ta be Monday to Friday or none at all has n't it ?
5 Think later , be about five o'clock or quarter to five , or something like that depends when it 's on , have to come in early if they want to have it with us .
6 Ehm just to get back about the point the studio being dark erm it 's just as a suggestion has anybody thought of actually running say a week 's worth of drama courses with er an artist in residence or something like that coming in to do work shops .
7 Even where it at first appears to be a rather pointless reaction there is invariably found to be some rational element , which means that conflict must be classed alongside other forms of purposive social action .
8 So Mr went up and er he went a way up the hill , places that never a car or anything like that had been before because there were gullies and everything and he could have sank in the middle of a gully or something .
9 depths or anything like that does it ?
10 We had n't petrol or anything like that to get them off .
11 Okay well they 're two completely different spelling different things and you got them bot right I did n't I did n't help you I did n't even say and think about which sort of bean you 're using or anything like that did I .
12 Was there anything like erm redundancy money or anything like that payed at that time when the place
13 I mean there 's no , there 's no fee or anything like that involved , so the fact that you 're all seen as members will cut down on any recriminations you might have .
14 Now admittedly , the T four bacterial is a very simple organism , it ca n't leap about so it does n't need senses or a brain to direct it , or muscles or anything like that , it ca n't repair itself or change itself once it 's been made , therefore it does n't need to digest food , er to , to have an immune system or anything like that to repair itself or put itself to rights , it does n't need anything like that .
15 I began to think that I was in an isolation hospital , until I realised that nothing at all happens after six o ‘ clock until breakfast next morning — not even a hot drink except in emergencies .
16 It is as though one has a newspaper delivered only for the football results on Saturdays and assumes that nothing at all happened on the other days of the week .
17 Whether it was the wishes of the archdiocese ; or whether it was the inarticulate growls of air-marshals ; or whether it was the judgement that someone of 73 carries too many years to move to big new work ; or whether someone among Eden 's advisers thought scholarship important for some bishops — Eden rejected Fisher 's preference that Ramsey should go to London .
18 I am certain of one thing , however : we must do all in our power to ensure that none of that happens .
19 Well in a way it 's not surprising that none of this got done , if you reflect how common it is that poetic plans do n't get fulfilled .
20 He wished that he could go home and that none of this had happened .
21 Nevertheless , Tories did remain committed to the principles of passive obedience , non-resistance and indefeasible hereditary right , but they were to argue that none of these had been compromised by the Glorious Revolution .
22 So you can see that none of these have got any mud on them or anything like that .
23 A study of nearly 2,500 sixth formers , conducted by Dr Anne Charlton of the Cancer Research Campaign , found that one in five smoked at colleges where smoking was not permitted , compared with one in three where smoking was allowed .
24 But one large finance house which circulates new customers with literature promoting other loan possibilities reported that one in five pursue the offer no indication that the ‘ loans as loans ’ stage is with us yet , but a tribute to the power of the advertising which could bring it closer .
25 hurricane has gone out of the news now , once something like that has happened there 's always another disaster coming behind that actually takes over the headlines , so , about six months , a year , two years afterwards they were still finding that in parts of Europe the general level of nuclear activity was higher than it had been before Chernobyl , why would that happen ?
26 Because really in my view it should be that once something like this happened then it should be on the owners to prove they have n't been negligent .
27 Interviews with 10,000 people for the survey showed that one in five women felt very unsafe when out walking at night ; yet fewer than one in 70 claimed to have been attacked in the past year .
28 Although fewer than one in 10 identified another family member as unable to work due to their cystic fibrosis , the employment rate among mothers of adults with cystic fibrosis is less than that expected in women aged 45–60 .
29 The two essential points are that fewer than one in three had considered paying cash as a real alternative ; and that half said they bought on credit because they did n't have the cash , while about another quarter gave answers ( like ‘ needed it right away ’ ) which boil down to much the same .
30 She told the junior Health Minister , Mr Roger Freeman , who was attending the fellowship 's conference in London , that since 1971 more than 50,000 mental hospital beds have been lost ; fewer than one in ten have been replaced by residential places in the community .
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