Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] a [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you receive an application form as a response to a job application or as a preliminary to an interview it should be filled in and returned promptly .
2 Or with a bretherhed to been withhold .
3 It is used at full strength for immediate odour elimination , or in a 6 to 1 dilution for ongoing preventative maintenance .
4 As in previous economic crises , capital expenditure was hit hardest , but on a scale not experienced before — cut to a half or to a third of previous levels in some cases .
5 Patients who respond to antibiotics do not harbour propionibacteria resistant to the therapeutic drug , except for a few of those treated with topical erythromycin .
6 But it should be made clear that any time limit within which the landlord is to act is to be of the essence , otherwise the contractual notice will be ineffective except as a preliminary to the service of yet another notice making time of the essence ( Phipps-Faire Ltd v Malbern Construction Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 129 although this relaxed approach has not been taken in Scotland ( Visionhire v Britel Fund Trustees [ 1992 ] 1 EGLR 128 ) .
7 The problem is more of income distribution than of a failing in the technical working of the credit market itself .
8 ‘ The brent [ German brand = burned ] goose looks as if it has stuck its head and neck up a chimney and emerged sooty black — although with a little of its ‘ clerical collar ’ still clean .
9 has the Minister er studied the Royal College of Nursing Report which was published early last month , which shows that in a third of accident and emergency units in hospitals , patients actually have to stay overnight er before they are admitted to er a ward and would she a accept that this really is not a satisfactory situation , it 's actually worse i outside London than it is in London , contrary to some views .
10 There 's more of worth , more that uplifts in a single chorus of ‘ We Need Money' ’ than in a dozen of your picky , pedantic articles ! ’
11 The grass is greener than in a commercial for lawn-mowers ; something , as at a Test match or at Wimbldeon , hangs in the air or on the hum of the crowd 's voice .
12 Pétain inspires terror except among a few of his old hands .
13 In autumn 1940 Japan moved into northern French Indo-China in an attempt to restrict supplies to the Chinese , and as a preliminary to creating a Japanese-controlled zone in Southeast Asia .
14 Agricultural pollution accounted for more than 10 per cent of total incidents , and for a third of the major ones .
15 It was April , and after a warmer in Poosie Nansie 's , another West of Scotland custom , we thrashed away on the Ayr , casting amongst chunks of ice floating down the river ; frozen stiff , getting colder and colder as the grey day grew older and older .
16 The Hong Kong government guesses that what would follow is a fall of 5–7% in the colony 's total trade , and of a third in its rate of GDP growth .
17 Zipped up the inside , and with a squared off toe , it was the last word in futuristic chic that was to be adapted and toned down for the mass market .
18 In the development of their writing , children have to move from casual to formal language , from spontaneous to planned language ; and from a known to an unknown audience .
19 And in a free for all there are those who survive and those who perish .
20 Neurological deterioration in adulthood has also been recorded in some late and untreated subjects , and in a few in whom a neuropathological report was available the findings suggested active and diffuse demyelination as well as hypomyelination and reduced brain size .
21 And in a few in a fraction of a second , if you try and if you short it all out , give it a very you know great big wide pipe to rush through , the virtually the whole contents of the electricity of the battery tries to get through that , and a spanner is like that , very
22 Operating profit was well ahead of budget and on a like with like basis ( after excluding the two food ingredients businesses sold in 1992 ) was 80 per cent higher than 1991 .
23 Such statements derive from the meetings of a specially convened working party on national objectives , but as a preliminary to this a national debate on the purposes of primary education has already taken place in 1978 , culminating in a widely publicised and widely representative National Seminar on the Content of Primary Education .
24 But as a preliminary to an explanation of the statutory pre-emption provisions it is necessary first to refer to a further reform introduced at the same time , i.e .
25 The peak of production was reached between 1850 and 1875 , during which period up to 200 men and women were employed in the trade , mainly in Mauchline but with a few in neighbouring villages .
26 So oligarchy meant government not simply by a few , but by a few of the " rich and well-born " ; democracy was government by the many poor .
27 The position could arise whereby the United States attempts to ensure one of the parties ' access through these waterways as against a non-party to the Peace Treaty .
28 At Slapton , as on not a few other manors , a degree of confusion is understandable , for tenures were complex , embracing not only freeholds and copyholds — mostly heritable , though including a few for lives — but also what were described in a survey made in 1548 as ‘ The Farme Landes ’ , which were probably parcels of the demesne that were let by copy of court roll , the larger ones for fifteen years , the rest at will .
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