Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the same time " in BNC.

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1 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
2 Second , only rarely would a coin have been lost at or near the same time when it was made ; we must bear in mind how long a particular type of coin is likely to have stayed in circulation .
3 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
4 A widespread factor is found where real or suggested expertise is involved in a transaction and where at the same time it may be assumed that the customer is ignorant about what it is he is paying for .
5 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
6 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
7 Thus a man who could have done all sorts of good things is rendered useless ; and the same sort of outcome could follow in a case involving not one but two men , or a hundred or more , or even a whole branch of a family ( progenies ) or at the same time a whole province — if you 're not very careful ! " ( c. 31 )
8 ‘ The role is very powerful , although at the same time Lola is very sensitive .
9 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
10 Something might be true although at the same time harmful and dangerous in the highest degree ; indeed it could pertain to the fundamental nature of existence that a complete knowledge of it might destroy one — so that the strength of a spirit could be measured by how much ‘ truth ’ it could take , more clearly , to what degree it needed it attenuated , veiled , sweetened , blunted and falsified .
11 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
12 This argument , which Foucault derives from Deleuze , although at the same time he tellingly invokes Sartre 's theoretical formulation designed to solve exactly the same problem , provides a way of avoiding the incommensurability of the relation of the event to the concept by allowing ‘ the disjunctive affirmation of both ’ — thus solving the problem that the concept , as a part of the language of generality , will inevitably travesty the event 's singularity :
13 He encouraged Hoare to give a strong lead at Geneva ( although at the same time telling hint : ‘ keep us out of war ; we are not ready for it ’ ) , and ruminating , again at Aix , moved increasingly towards an autumn election .
14 This authorization made provision for the removal of one large , identifiable group of surrendered personnel from 5 Corps responsibility , although at the same time Robertson instructed that " steps should be taken to ensure that Allied PW held in Russian area are transferred to us in exchange " .
15 In a rare survey of local residents ' attitudes , the Kariels ( 1982 ) have found that in spite of the many negative aspects often ascribed to tourism , the overall evaluation of local inhabitants was strongly positive , although at the same time they wanted the landscape to retain its traditional character and felt that family life had been weakened by tourism .
16 Rosalind Krauss has observed that this principle of textual reproducibility was prevalent , although at the same time given ideological denial , in modernism , itself .
17 It also recommends that excavations be coordinated at a national level , albeit at the same time as more powers are devolved to the regions , this decentralisation freeing the CSRS of its administrative and financial role and giving it the freedom to concentrate on scholarly matters , with — and this is a novelty — systematic recourse to the advice of outside experts .
18 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
19 My one proviso is that at the same time , Hadrian 's Wall should be repaired , extended fully , and provided with one single opening through which all scots at present in the south should be shepherded to the north , whereupon the opening should be smartly bricked up before they have the chance to get back .
20 Nothing , he found , was more effective — as he tried to devise an inner world that at the same time avoided the black hole of dejection — than work , solitary work , work in which one was gladly buried .
21 The incongruity was that at the same time he was convinced of retribution in this world .
22 As a codicil to this I should tell you that at the same time in another part of the camp , the National Union of Miners were holding some sort of conference themselves .
23 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
24 When it is remembered that at the same time the beginnings of large-scale industry could be discerned in Japan , it can be seen that a big absolute growth in this period masks a significant change in Europe 's relative position .
25 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
26 It was part of the same southern European pattern that at the same time Greece shook off one more episode of military dictatorship , and with it the monarchy , and established a democratic republic .
27 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
28 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
29 It was unfortunate , I thought , that at the same time as I had realised the grandeur of God I had fallen in love with a mortal , and that the two experiences should have proved to be mutually exclusive , leaving me with the sensation that I was being sundered by equal forces .
30 And you know that at the same time as you could clout them you 'd actually die for them also if it came to the point .
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