Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the same day " in BNC.

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1 Its supporters regarded it as a happy augury that on the same day the Soviet Union finally called off its blockade of Berlin .
2 The summary way in which teacher education was disposed of at Barry also contrasts strongly with what happened in North East Wales : here , there was much lobbying to prevent teacher training based on Cartrefle College of Education , now merged into the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education , from contracting further ; it is indeed ironical that on the same day , 26 July 1977 , that Gordon Oakes , Minister of State at the DES , declared that Cartrefle should be spared the axe , predominantly on the basis of its geographical location , he should pronounce a death sentence at Barry .
3 Store chiefs at the Meadowhall Centre in Sheffield saw a record 150,000 people turn up , 12,000 more than on the same day last year and in Hull police had to appeal to drivers not to take cars into the city because it was full by midday .
4 A vote given or poll demanded by proxy or by the duly authorised corporate representative of a recognised body shall be valid notwithstanding the previous determination of the authority of the person voting or demanding a poll unless notice of the determination was received by the Company at the office or at such other place at which the instrument of proxy was duly deposited before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the vote is given or the poll demanded or ( in the case of a poll taken otherwise than on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting ) the time appointed for taking the poll .
5 A vote given or poll demanded by proxy or by the duly authorised corporate representative of a recognised body shall be valid notwithstanding the previous determination of the authority of the person voting or demanding a poll unless notice of the determination was received by the Company at the office or at such other place at which the instrument of proxy was duly deposited before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the vote is given or the poll demanded or ( in the case of a poll taken otherwise than on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting ) the time appointed for taking the poll .
6 Blessed be the foreign correspondent who can fly from Beirut to Athens , therefore , and in the same day pick up an El Al flight from Athens to Tel Aviv and land at Ben Gurion airport and travel — faster even than the old direct taxi route from prewar Beirut — to Jerusalem .
7 The House of Commons debated the crisis on 2 August , and on the same day I was married to Mary Patrick in Southport , formally recording my profession as ‘ Schoolmaster ( Grammar ) ’ .
8 When his letter appeared , Scott realized his mistake , and on the same day sent off another letter to The Times , attempting to explain his extraordinary remarks .
9 A police officer formed the opinion that she was unlawfully at large and on the same day went to the patient 's home with other police and nurses .
10 The future of the Cossacks had also been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had appealed to SHAEF to take them over .
11 The future of " Chetniks " and " Croats " had been referred to the Chiefs of Staff by AFHQ on 17 May , and on the same day AFHQ had issued the " Distone order " to Eighth Army .
12 The results of those studies were published on 25 September , and on the same day I announced the start of a three-month public consultation period during which interested parties could make written representations to me on the contents of the reports produced by Hydrotechnica .
13 The curfew was lifted on April 9 , and on the same day the opposition groups had a meeting with the King in which they affirmed their commitment to the establishment of " full democracy " .
14 Kohl and the French President François Mitterrand had already appealed for emergency aid when they met in Assmannshausen on June 22 , and on the same day West Germany announced that it had agreed to guarantee a DM5,000 million ( approximately US$2,980 million ) loan to the Soviet Union . )
15 After seven weeks of negotiations , involving the smaller right-wing and religious parties , the two main parties signed another coalition agreement on Dec. 22 , 1988 , and on the same day the new Cabinet , headed by the outgoing Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , won a vote of confidence in the Knesset .
16 However , the Supreme Council of National Security ( SCNS ) on Jan. 26 announced that all aircraft would be " confiscated " and their pilots kept in custody , stressing that " this policy would be applied to all parties which violate Iranian air , land or sea spaces " , and on the same day Baker confirmed that " we have been assured that Iran intends to remain totally neutral " .
17 A general strike was observed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on March 6 , and on the same day Israeli troops shot dead an 18-year-old Palestinian during rioting near the West Bank village of Ramallah .
18 The Spanish airline Iberia reported on March 22 that it had lost $276,000,000 during the year , and on the same day the Belgian government started a $563,000,000 rescue programme for the troubled national carrier Sabena .
19 The United States , which like Germany had hitherto strongly favoured maintaining Yugoslav integrity , made it clear on July 2 that it did not support the use of force to preserve this integrity , and on the same day President Bush indicated in a letter to the recently installed ( Croat ) head of the Collective State Presidency , Stjepan Mesic [ see p. 38275 ] , that it would accept the republics ' independence if achieved peacefully .
20 The director of the prison was dismissed on July 24 and on the same day the Acting Commander of the Air Force , Gen. Hernando Monsalve , requested an immediate transfer , having been accused of incompetence over operations at the prison .
21 On July 6 there were attempts at embarkation by 4,000 people at Dürres , and on the same day several hundred people gathered outside embassies in Tirana demanding the right to emigrate .
22 Fasting serum was collected for the determination of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one , and on the same day the γ emitting bile acid analogue SeHCAT was given orally and its fractional catabolic rate assessed by repeated external counting over the upper abdomen during the next seven days .
23 Twelve fishing rods were stolen from a garage on North Terrace , Ferryhill , on Wednesday and on the same day power and hand tools were stolen from a transit van parked on Ruby Avenue , Chilton .
24 The previous 1991 order was discussed at a slightly later time of night , but on the same day of the week nine months ago , since when there has been no significant change in the construction industry 's circumstances .
25 Then , in August 1928 , Arsenal took the field at Hillsborough wearing numbers on their backs , while on the same day , Chelsea , at home , were doing the same — at Chapman 's suggestion .
26 Michael Cole , the media director for the House of Fraser , said on March 7 , 1990 , that the report was inept and prejudiced , while on the same day Sir Edward Du Cann , chairman of Lonrho ( which had itself desired to take over the House of Fraser ) , criticized the government for refusing to take action against the Fayeds and said that damages would be sought against the brothers through the courts .
27 The " battle of the plans " became public and dramatic from mid-June , with Yavlinsky presenting his proposals on June 17 to Gorbachev , to the Russian Republic president Boris Yeltsin and to the Khazakstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev , while on the same day Pavlov in remarks to the USSR Supreme Soviet ridiculed the " grand bargain " and called for wider executive powers for the Soviet Council of Ministers in order to deal with the economic crisis .
28 A civilian died in an IRA explosion near a Belfast police and army base on Aug. 15 , while on the same day a former part-time member of the Ulster Defence Regiment ( UDR ) was shot dead by the IRA in Co .
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