Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Things may have been different under another Minister , or under the same one in happier and healthier days , but it seems doubtful .
2 Except for the few who tended , from time to time , to inconvenience the landlord by dying there , passing so imperceptibly that it sometimes went unnoticed for an hour or two , from a state which had not really been living at all .
3 The main difference between the utilitarianism of Hutcheson and Hume , and that of Bentham , is that for the former it figured mainly as an account of our actual moral feelings , whereas for the latter it was not only this but even more the basis of a critique of current morality .
4 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
5 I thought of the pearl fishers who often visited the South Sea Islands , and of the many who had made fortunes .
6 But most of the ions and electrons are deflected , and of the few which penetrate most do so up the magnetotail .
7 If in the latter one could not tell whether his voice was as bad as it was supposed to be , the former gave ample proof .
8 In the former we look for the objectionable and unacceptable features in the book and use these as the basis of rejection , and in the latter we look for the meritorious and desirable features in the book and use these as the basis of selection .
9 And in the same you know , I mean er two or three years so there 's not gon na be much , and it 's only been a couple that are gon na
10 The book was ‘ A Tribute to 'The Few' who flew in the Battle of Britain , and to the many who supported them ’ .
11 This applies to those who will be employed by others and to the many who may expect , for part or all of their working lives , to be self-employed .
12 Oh I think so , I mean I , again I hope there are n't any Catholics in the audience who are offended by my remarks , but it 's just my personal opinion , that yeah , th th you know , th th that is the case and at the least I mean whatever judgment one makes about this thing , I , I repeat what I said earlier about you got ta be terribly careful when using the word natural .
13 No but like the all they do is they keep like , you know , they keep a gun in their car .
14 Most people who notice it at parties are too polite to ask what it is and why I am wearing it , but to the few who do I say ( because I find it embarrassing to explain ) that it is concerned with the story of the sinking of the Bismarck ; and then relish the look of puzzlement on their faces .
15 The main difference between the utilitarianism of Hutcheson and Hume , and that of Bentham , is that for the former it figured mainly as an account of our actual moral feelings , whereas for the latter it was not only this but even more the basis of a critique of current morality .
16 Dual-subject degrees exist in both the universities and polytechnics , but their place in each is subtly different ; in the former they are seen largely in relation to the single honours degree , which constitutes a kind of academic gold standard , whereas in the latter they come under the general rubric of ‘ combined studies ’ .
17 In the former the seller can fulfil his contract only by delivery of 500 tons from the specified cargo , whereas in the latter he can fulfil his contract by supplying 500 tons from any source .
18 An important difference between conventional statistics and statistics of grain size distributions is that in the former frequency is expressed as numbers whereas in the latter it is as weight percentage .
19 In the latter case it may even be a matter of reading one page in one session , whereas in the former you may be able to read and study a chapter — or even two .
20 There is , however , some problem in this last comparison , since family income in the first group was $15,972 , while in the latter it was only $9,300 .
21 The difference is that in the former case it is the teachers and support staff who use the systems , while in the latter it is the learners .
22 A properly drawn partnership agreement will contain a provision ( Clause 4.02 ) to ensure that , whilst the partnership determines as between the deceased and his co-partners , as between the latter themselves there will be no termination .
23 There 's nothing you can do about the latter , and as for the former you 'll simply have to stop worrying .
24 His fervently expressed hope in the coming of the Age of the Holy Spirit may have had its origin in the Jewish concept of the Messianic Age , for like the latter it was regarded by him as lying essentially within history and not beyond it , being indeed the climax of history .
25 As to the latter he dismissed from consideration certain authorities relating to the admissibility in evidence of information obtained under powers similar to those which he had to consider , on the ground that the matters before him concerned , not the admissibility of replies to questions , but the right of the authorities to demand answers .
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