Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 He began by giving official passports to Jews who could claim some vague connection with Sweden , and ended by thrusting , in defiance of the Gestapo , cyclostyled papers bearing his signature into the hands of anyone he could reach , in the cattle trucks in railway sidings or along the road as the tragic columns struggled by .
2 To be more explicit , it is simplest to take the particular formulation of the independent conditional just suggested , and anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , in place of If R and C , even given any X consistent with R and C and W , then still W. That is , let us have this : Given the world as it is , or given any changes in it logically consistent with R and & and W , then if R and & then W. From these two things it follows-as from if A , then if B then C , and A , it follows that if B then C — that if R and C , then W. From this in turn , together with C , there follows the dependent conditional if R then W. To repeat , let us have the statement ( Y ) describing the actual events and conditions accompanying r and & in the world as it is , and the disjunctive statement ( K ) to the effect that the world is in one way or another otherwise , logically consistent with R and C , and W. Then our premisses and conclusion are as follows .
3 What was crucial about the " women 's offices " was that part of the trade — straight typesetting — was being defined as " particularly " suitable for women ; indeed it was being said they were actually better at it than the men , while the other tasks in the compositor 's repertoire were variously described as " heavy " ( thus by definition not skilled ) or on the contrary as highly skilled ( make-up and imposition ) but requiring fewer persons to do them .
4 It never crossed her mind — that was the bad part of the mistake — that for the prince as well the marriage could not be an end in itself .
5 Yesterday Mr Patten said that under the Bill as it now stands he will be able to demand a re-run of voting on grant-maintained status where he has evidence it was not fairly conducted .
6 So that 's you can use that in the bath as well , but they call it a shower gel because a shower oil because they think people usually have a shower in the morning and a bath at night .
7 Again , we assert it since we accept ( i ) an independent nomic conditional roughly to the effect that in the world as it is , and within certain large limits as it might be , if it is raining and certain other things are the case , then the balcony is wet , and we also accept ( ii ) that those other things are the case .
8 The joker , however , gives the present knowing that in the confusion as it goes off , it may be thrown the wrong way — into the face of the recipient 's partner .
9 None the less , there remains a focus upon the child as having needs rather than upon the situation as creating needs ( Oliver 1988 ) .
10 My main complaint concerning students of modern sediments is that they pay more attention to the question of how sediments are deposited than to the question as to whether or not they stay there .
11 Under this category there are also requests for assistance which amount to acts of community welfare , such as calls to lift aged and disabled people on to and off the toilet as well as into bed , and calls from very distressed pensioners and young children concerning lost pets ( on the police as a social service see Punch 1979b ; Punch and Naylor 1973 ) .
12 Mansell dominated the day on and off the track as he clocked his lap record 1min 13.732sec at an average speed of 114.680mph .
13 Parrott revelled in his good fortune both on and off the table as he scored a 5–3 victory over Thai-phoon James Wattana .
14 For these reasons , cycling is a way of providing mobility which is cheap for society and for the individual as Hudson puts it , ‘ The provision of routes for bicycles gives people ‘ freeways ’ for the price of footpaths ’ .
15 Every night , and during the day as well .
16 The nun looked away from Millie now and towards the partition as she said in a voice little above a mutter , ‘ He bids us come , and if at first we do n't obey Him , His voice is insistent .
17 In passages which have become well known , the medieval woman mystic Julian of Norwich speaks of God as both Father and Mother and of the trinity as exemplifying fatherhood and motherhood .
18 The perceived role of the Court and of the Commission as the twin guardians of the Treaty will be sufficient in practice to ensure that the Commission will determine the limits of its own field of competence so far as Article 38 and subsidiarity are concerned .
19 are true and accurate and properly reflect and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Vendor and of the Business as at the Balance Sheet Date ; and
20 Thus , when he explained his view of the campaign , and of the war as whole , to Cantalupo on 4 April , he claimed that he was waging war slowly , in order to avoid unnecessary destruction and to consolidate the " liberation " ( which , he said , was not the same as the mere " conquest " ) of one area before going on to the next .
21 predisposing the Chinese to think of blood as circulating and of the earth as having condensed out of a more fluid state ( hence the fossil sea shells found up in mountains ) .
22 The leader and deputy leader of the party shall be elected or re-elected from amongst the Commons members of the Parliamentary Labour Party at the party conference … and with the provision as may be set out in the standing orders for the time being in force .
23 Based as it was on principles of race , with the figure of the Jew as the focal point of all hatred , and with the Führer as its ideological and organizational fulcrum , the Nazi Movement needed no regular orders or directions from Hitler to step up the pace of anti Jewish actions and discrimination , pushing the government and the State bureaucracy into action , and always therefore increasing the radicalizing momentum of racial policy .
24 and into the garden as well you see , not only longways , but quite wide
25 Digital Equipment Corp 's big-name appointment to head its sales and marketing organisation turns out to be Ed Lucente — nicknamed Neutron Eddie at IBM Corp after he was given the job of pushing administrative staff out of their offices and onto the road as sales and support personnel , so that the people were gone but the buildings still standing .
26 Outside was a lawn , clipped trim as a general 's moustache , but browning in patches and along the edge as though the general were a heavy smoker .
27 A prolonged clap of thunder echoing round and round the building as though the Tower itself were the target of the storm 's fury imposed silence for a full minute .
28 They reckoned to have walked 18 miles each to and from the board as they tried to beat the world record of 510,625 scored in 25s and bullseyes in 24 hours .
29 of the Scottish electorate favoured independence , that he was quoted on television and in the press as saying that a Scottish Parliament would be a first step .
30 And from then on there is superb leather book binding by David Sellers , Angela James , Faith Shannon and John Pearson and in The Book as Art three highly unusual wall-hung creations by Dee Odell-Foster from Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire and referred to as The Trap , Famine and Glimpses of the OK .
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