Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 That the one on the Dun , was a ‘ HER ’ , not a ‘ HIM ’
2 Chesarynth felt conspicuous ; people around were staring at them , but it was the first time in her weary day 's travel that she had seen a box and it called to the echoes of firesong that the one on the Moon had left in her mind .
3 The two hind feet hit me almost simultaneously but as I sailed backwards through the door I remember thinking quite clearly that the one on the chest had made contact fractionally before the one on the abdomen .
4 that the nought on the on the outside is at the top , not the nought on the inside which
5 There is a state-of-the-art cardiac resuscitation unit , much better than the one on the general medical wards .
6 The vessel features Major giving a toothy grin , considerably broader than the one on the Thatcher mug .
7 ‘ Diana 's voice is more open , less nasal , than the one on the tape .
8 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 ; it contains 3.1m transistors , compared with 1.2m for the 80486 ; it is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology ; it has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed ; to get around the problem that the thing can squeal to a halt when it comes to a branch that stalls the instruction stream , it includes branch prediction , where the chip remembers prior instruction pathways and predicts the correct pathway for a new instruction .
9 It is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology , has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed .
10 It is not only that no one on the planet has a bad word to say about Sybil : people trip over their superlatives .
11 But then the other came at me , and the one on the top stabbed again , and I knew that now there were moments only .
12 I flashed my headlights and the one on the left gradually pulled ahead .
13 There were two large candles on the altar and the one on the north side was of a slightly different colour to the one on the south .
14 The one at the top is the basic tree , the one on the left is one of " my " insects , and the one on the right has no name but I thought it looked pretty .
15 The one on the right read ‘ These seats are only for use by those who can be classified as obese ’ and the one on the left read ‘ These seats are for those of very slim build only ’ .
16 And the one on the left .
17 And on this one there 's a nought on the inside and a nought on the outside so we work with the nought on the outside and we 'll go round that way , clockwise , the way the numbers go .
18 ‘ Well , you need a special key and no one on the programme 's officially got one .
19 But there were no other boats and no one on the towpath above them to hear his ambiguous remark .
20 If no one on the floor wishes to take the other side of the trade then he can deal with his own customer .
21 The watch on the right there they both get smashed but the one on the back will cost you the one on the right will cost you as much to replace its glass as the one on the left completely .
22 But the one on the right it 's glass will cost you more to replace than the complete
23 But the one on the in the public access machines over th in the main building they 'll be able to do more because it 's a more powerful computer it 's based in .
24 is down here , but the nought on the outside at the top .
25 One of the Land Rovers was pierced by a single bullet and a mortar fragment but no one on the patrol was injured , despite the fact their attackers had loosed off 200-300 rounds at them .
26 If , for instance , the loudspeaker on the left were playing the song of the female 's own species , while the one on the right played the song of some other species , the female turns to the left .
27 ‘ Was it the same voice as the one on the Ansaphone ? ’
28 There were twelve or fifteen finished pictures , all painted in the same manner as the one on the easel , patterns of glowing colour , but the subjects ranged from harbour and river scenes to landscapes with figures .
29 I got him one which is not quite the same as the one on the picture , but there are various types .
30 The watch on the right there they both get smashed but the one on the back will cost you the one on the right will cost you as much to replace its glass as the one on the left completely .
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