Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh adv] [det] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the Japanese setting , for example , it would be wholly inappropriate to conclude that a particular element such as seniority-based wage payments would be desirable as a policy prescription elsewhere , without a prior understanding of how that wage system relates both to the general security of employment in large Japanese firms and , possibly , the cultural assumptions concerning the importance of age in other parts of Japanese society ( Dore , 1973 ) .
2 We are vulnerable , like everyone else , to prejudice , and are conscious of how much havoc bigotry , the excesses of blind faith , and the tyranny which often accompanies it , can inflict on the world .
3 But once he or she takes that first drink in any day there is no prediction of when that drinking bout will stop .
4 Even this information , in the absence of other data , will not provide any indication of when any gene flow Staiger ( 1957 , in English ) described a numerical polymorphism in chromosome number between enclaves of N. lapillus on shores near Roscoff in Brittany .
5 The industry believes that research into why some people abuse alcohol and carefully targeted education programmes are more effective than blanket restrictions which apply to the whole population .
6 Their choice of livestock depends on how much winter fodder , such as hay , oats and roots , they need and how much of these they can grow .
7 The shipment estimates may prove to be conservative and production levels will depend on how much manufacturing capacity can be brought on stream , he said .
8 Installation time is largely dependant on how much disk space the files you have already take up , since what 's already there is squeezed to make room for the extra drive , and squeezing takes time .
9 Their working contexts impose certain limits on what they are able to do ; for example , on how many journalists they can employ and on how much news space they have on the paper .
10 Privately police officers have told us , decisions on cautioning can depend on how much or how little faith they have in the courts to pass adequate sentences , and on how much paper work is required for a prosecution .
11 It is impossible to be precise over how much influence Parliament exercises over government policy .
12 Salim Malik had played on when former Essex team-mate Gooch slipped in an inswinger , and when Malcolm bowled a second bouncer in an over to Inzamam-ul-Haq , umpire Palmer no-balled him .
13 Attention might be better focused on more technical questions such as how this error information may be used in GIS and spatial analysis .
14 There appears to be some internal debate going on down in Palo Alto about how much damage Sun Microsystems Inc 's recent Sparcstation 10 announcement is doing to its own workstation efforts .
15 We do n't really know a lot about how much sediment load they 've been carrying because we have been measuring the amount of material being carried by Sussex rivers for the last decade to two decades , so our level of information is very , very low .
16 ‘ Are you still worried about how that boss lady 's going to react when you get back there ? ’
17 Much ballyhoo has recently been written up about how this power trio from Belfast could easily be next in line should that other power trio from Seattle topple from their throne .
18 And we were looking at how this top corner of the map related to the surrounding that those those erm reference points east north and west do relate to the open land outside of that .
19 This section will look at how this teacher involvement can be achieved , both in general terms and by looking at a specific example in detail .
20 Once personal circumstances were taken into account , people 's information levels were influenced primarily by how much television news they watched while their swings of political preferences were influenced primarily by which newspaper they read ( Chapters 7 and 8 ) .
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