Example sentences of "[prep] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was to be known whether the mines " are like to continue as they have been , & whether the Oare is like to continue at the same rate it hath been at , and whether it be of the same goodness as it hath been . "
2 We are excited about this part of our course , but a bit unsure of what it will be like to work in a foreign country .
3 As Rain passed Tavett 's desk he cupped his face in his hands and moaned for her benefit , saying : ‘ Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in an ordinary office instead of a newspaper where every kind of freak feels entitled to barge in and collar you ? ’
4 For instance , the Association of Carers ( address on page 145 ) was founded in 1981 by Judith Oliver who knows from experience what it is like to look after a disabled husband for many years .
5 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
6 I had no conception of what it was like to play for an honest-to-god institution until Walter put me straight .
7 Time for reflection : Andy Goram now knows ‘ what it is like to play for an honest-to-god institution ’ after some words of wisdom from Walter Smith .
8 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
9 Apart from the influence of many young voters who have no memory of what it was like to live under a Labour government , the biggest thing going for Labour in this election is an Englishman 's sense of fair play .
10 If a grown-up really wants to find out what it is like to live in a young person 's world , let him or her get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week .
11 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in an antique shop ?
12 There 's something spooky about them : you sense momentarily what it must be like to live in an ordered , God-run universe , with Himself looking over your shoulder and helpfully dropping coarse hints about a cosmic plan .
13 This is what it was like to live in the pre-scholastic age .
14 Non-financial criteria will be used to ensure that the potential new products are such as to contribute to the corporate plan .
15 Thus to form some sort of representation in the brain of the association between pecking the bead and the bitter taste , such as to result in a lasting change in the chick 's behaviour , requires a biochemical cascade of events in a localized region of the forebrain .
16 Such a system would benefit Sunderland not only financially there would be full-houses for each match but also the big crowds would surely help the Rokermen to get the safety points they are looking for to climb above the Second Division danger zone .
17 As far as BSL is concerned , virtually everyone who learns some signs is at some stage called upon to interpret by a deaf person , and this is most likely to be from English into BSL .
18 The same explanation is called upon to account for the single small diamond and lonsdaleite-heating iron meteorite found in the Allan Hills area .
19 Whilst it may be possible for certain hoists and lifts to be provided with dual controls and to be relied upon to assist in the initial stages of smouldering fire or even the last stages of salvage and reinstatement , and whilst the provision of a portable extinguisher could be regarded as standard , the dangers involved in aligning the confines of a lift or cage to a developing fire in the only manner by which it could be used effectively are sufficiently great to warrant special mention when consideration is being given to emergency planning .
20 Those respondents calling for a drastic limitation of the professions ' liability and/or the abolition of the Compensation Fund altogether , often voiced the angry conviction that the transition from profession to trade — with the accompanying loss of status for the services of solicitors which that implied — had accelerated in recent years to the point at which the profession could no longer be called upon to pay for the dubious moral privilege of an ‘ anachronistic ’ system of compensation .
21 However , should you be called upon to speak at a grand , formal wedding you may feel that a more erudite speech is required .
22 Here the facts are such as to allow of no other choice .
23 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
24 When volunteers were called for to drop on a remote Yugoslavian mountain , their packs laden with gelignite to blow up bridges , I carefully avoided the challenging eye and the demanding notice board .
25 So a department name , the admin department , a department code , one hundred , and as I was saying er , you wan na to get in the top left hand corner , any information that keeps you informed so I wan na get both the department code and the department name into that one cell .
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