Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 We were n't , I now realise by doing the sums , badly off My father paid the rent , all the bills , gave us our pocket money , and a fixed sum of f7 a week housekeeping money quite a lot in the late 1950s — went on being handed over every Friday until his death , even when estrangement was obvious , and he was living most of the time with someone else .
2 A DISTRIBUTOR putting leaflets through my door broke the flap of my letter-box , but when I contacted the company concerned , Direct Delivery Ltd. , of Lisburn , they said they were not liable for damages .
3 Over 17 hands high , he had a girth which measured seventy-nine inches ( Secretariat 's girth was thought to be remarkably large at seventy-six inches ) and housed a heart which after his death tipped the scales at fourteen and a half pounds : the average for a Thoroughbred is around ten pounds .
4 Lawrence 's rising reputation in the years after his death made the critical shift back to realism easier .
5 In a day of high royal drama , a spokeswoman for her office confirmed the Queen Mother would now attend .
6 Although Linda is not the youngest child to receive a liver , the Addenbrooke 's team carried out a successful transplant on a seven-month-old baby two years ago , her size and the fact that she has received previous surgery for her condition complicated the procedure .
7 Only then did Fabia realise how much she had missed the dogs at home , and ‘ Hello , darling , ’ she crooned — and for her trouble had the dog whip round her and grip her ankle in its teeth .
8 She saw too , in her mind 's eye , the heaving bulk of the buffalo bull struggling in the grass in its death throes , saw once more the blindly charging cow and the ragged black vultures flopping down out of the sky , and all these images crowding through her mind heightened the vague sense of turbulence that was growing inside her with the gathering storm .
9 Subsequently , the owner claimed damages from Veitchi , claiming that Veitchi had through their negligence laid the floor badly .
10 On the other hand the south Italian potters of Caies must have found customers for their cups which through their imagery reminded the drinkers of the impious Celts in action : were they too a " memento mori " or were they an invitation to rejoice in a world where barbarians are sure to be defeated ?
11 Two Scots with Cambridge connections took up Faraday 's work at last , trying to put it into mathematical form rather than to fit the discoveries into an existing theory ; and through their work came the great flowering of classical physics .
12 The fact that almost half had concern about future markets for their produce reflected the predominance of livestock producers and the physical impossibility of changing to other enterprises .
13 At the back of my mind lay the knowledge that there were men who enjoyed themselves sexually with other men .
14 Consider in this light the following example : It is unlikely that Shakespeare or the majority of writers in construction of their work imagined the twentieth-century reader or considered the possibility that the reader would be of another race or colour than his own ( the exception to this assumption can be found in later twentieth-century writers ) .
15 The relief showed instantly on their faces as the small round figure of their uncle filled the doorway .
16 Every castle mustered its defences and stood by to repel the normal sharp and brief attack ; for only when they were insolently sure of their supremacy did the Welsh assay a siege .
17 Geographical isolation and the hereditary nature of their job made the collier-farmers of the Forest of Dean a distinctive , inward-looking group , but they were a special case .
18 Concurrently two commissions were sent out to conduct a searching investigation into the condition of the southern forests ; the articles of their inquiry followed the usual pattern of those of the Forest Eyre .
19 As the livestock population rapidly decreased , the lack of their manure encouraged the ploughman 's equivalent of slash-and-burn agriculture : more and more pasture was converted into arable land as the existing grain fields became depleted of crop-growing nutrients .
20 What the Greek atomistic philosophers really meant was an absence of matter that could be identified by the senses — gross matter ; the very basis of their thinking emphasised the existence of an ethereal field which constitutes Space itself and interpenetrates matter like water in a sponge .
21 Where revolutionary committees existed much of their impetus reflected the organizing ability of the party which , by capitalizing on the natural and man-made disasters of flood and terrible famine which may have left at least a million dead , and on Vietminh seizure and distribution of rice from guarded granaries , was able to discredit existing authority , both French and Japanese .
22 If these fears were likely to prolong the discussions over its future , the socio-political context of its development made the whole affair even more complex .
23 On the development of the productivity of its agriculture depended the whole future of Spain .
24 Even the earliest study of its effectiveness stressed the view that it should improve the degree of accountability .
25 ‘ Then there 's nothing more for either of us to say , ’ she accepted dully , turning away from him and then halting as the edge of her vision caught the movement he made towards her .
26 Only the tightly clenched line of her jawbone revealed the enormous effort it was taking her just to stand upright .
27 The clamour of her heartbeat filled the silence between them , as she struggled to find the words that would send him away forever .
28 John was not there , but the light of her candle showed the signs of his visit ; the cut pie , the crumbs on the table , the pickle barrel and the sticky wooden ladle beside it .
29 The echo of her exit filled the high-ceilinged room for some seconds afterwards .
30 Having received from Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle advice that the dismissal was valid , the Lord President of the Council on behalf of Her Majesty dismissed the petition .
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