Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] time [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 When questioned at the time , and for some time afterwards , as to what the novel was ‘ about ’ , I would reply vaguely that it referred to a period in my life in the 1960s , when I was married to a successful pop star and spent much of my time travelling up and down motorways , lulled with anti-depressants and sitting , an immobile non-person , in the back of a sealed , silent and chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce .
2 I lead a very chaotic life and spend a lot of my time running around like a maniac so that keeps me fairly fit .
3 I was mostly bored by the degree course I was doing and spent more and more of my time skiving off to extra-mural classes in Women 's Studies , which were just beginning to happen , and devouring feminist books .
4 Even though there were some special local problems to take into account , to a large extent the regime at Feltham , where teenagers spent most of their time locked up in their cells , was victim to the malaise endemic to the prison system as a whole .
5 East European military attaches and trade missions spend much of their time buying up every sort of book and technical journal and visiting every trade fair around Europe and America .
6 On windsurfers children are particularly quick learners since they spend much of their time messing about on boards , and in the process find out how to handle their boards and rigs in a number of unorthodox positions .
7 As a result , they spend much of their time sitting down in the thick layer of muck which can inflict burns to their hocks and breasts , and they may also develop ulcerated feet .
8 Without wishing to detract from the impact of the number of dogs put to sleep weekly by the RSPCA , it must be realised that this number would be much higher if vets themselves did not also spend much of their time carrying out euthanasia .
9 It would be a waste of their time to come down here , because the decisions will not be taken here , but in Brussels .
10 The legs look like the sort of legs that spend most of their time running round after sheep or clasped ( for dear life ) around a large horse .
11 Because of the specialist nature of the hospital , patients come from all over the country and the CAB spends much of its time chasing up patients ' benefits , contacting DHSS offices all over the country .
12 This sparrow-sized bird is dull brown and grey in colour , and since it spends much of its time scurrying around on the ground , it often looks more like a mouse than a bird .
13 also spends some of her time helping out at Akenham with farrowing , recording and weighing in the pig unit .
14 But Madame Zborowska , who seems to have spent most of her time smoothing out the quarrels between the artists , asserted that Modigliani also worked ‘ passionately ’ .
15 By 1969 Laura was spending much of her time poring over old books — the endpapers of novels were a rich source of small prints as were old plates , teapots , and patchwork quilts , in fact anything that caught her eye in a variety of odd shops .
16 On that thought , a streak of fairness smote Fabia and she became guiltily aware that , since he must spend a good deal of his time cooped up in his office , it was no wonder that he wanted to enjoy his walks without any prying journalist asking the ‘ whys and wherefores ’ of everything .
17 Sharing his stretch of pavement with a juggler , a dancer and various other human flotsam , the Street Artist attempts the odd portrait for a paying customer but spends most of his time sitting around wistfully .
18 if it is considered that the information content is of paramount importance then it is valid to so construct a resource centre that every student may spend most of his time wired up to a dial-access system so that all he need do is dial a number , press a button and then sit passively absorbing what he sees on a screen and hears in his headphones …
19 And one of the things that we do need to look at is , that is almost every salesman that I 've ever measured and almost every bit of research I 've ever seen , suggested that every salesman in the world , spends at least a third of his time driving about in his car .
20 Lefevre spent much of his time standing about in the street outside the theatre to no avail , whilst Thiercelin wasted a day and a half following up a couple of false trails supplied by articles in the local newssheet .
21 The advantages of speciality databases include customised data entry and searching , but they can also save an enormous amount of your time setting up an industry standard database .
22 This arrangement , cleverly yet quite simply managed , would give him a couple of hours to get on with what he desperately wanted to get on with : to climb into bed with Downes 's beautiful and doubtlessly over-sexed wife , Lucy , and get his bottom on the top sheet before his time ran out .
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