Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] a [noun sg] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
2 The nub of the question as to whether feminism is compatible with Christianity is that of whether a Christology can be found of which it may be said that at least it is not incompatible with feminism .
3 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
4 Paragraphs ( c ) , ( e ) and ( f ) deal with the question of whether a direction would be " equitable " .
5 Our findings suggest that this inclusion is the primary determinant of whether a landmark will be used to predict where something else is located .
6 How particularly English that question of whether a chap will ‘ fit in ’ .
7 For a discussion of whether an expert can be compelled to give reasons for his decision , see 13.7.8 .
8 It can be argued that the question of whether an applicant ought to be required to use Ord. 53 procedure should depend on whether the particular procedural features of Ord. 53 are appropriate to the case .
9 The OLA 1984 makes no reference to the question of whether an occupier can exclude or restrict his or her potential liability under the Act .
10 as if a person could belong to anybody other than themselves !
11 Admittedly , we do sometimes talk as if a person could have a pain in his foot and be unaware of it , perhaps while his attention is on something else , but this is explained by there being different levels of consciousness , or self-consciousness , in the mind ; it does not require our saying that pains have the same sort of mind-independent existence as tables .
12 His toe-nails looked as if a knife would blunt on them and could not have been cut for months , possibly years .
13 Sure enough Jay at ten past three in the morning flits down the stairs of the crumbling house in her pomegranate kimono , mad woman in search of photo , as if a photo could help her understand .
14 She looks as if a wind could blow her away . "
15 Critics seem to view this as a cowardice , as if a boxer should want his brains pulped .
16 In these experiments , the rats learn the new trick best at those times when they remember the old trick least well : it is as if a rat can learn a new trick more easily when its memory is not muddling it with the memory of the old trick .
17 In respect of the provision of legal aid , the test of need ( usually described as a ‘ merit ’ test ) is based upon whether a solicitor would advise a private client , with sufficient means to pay the costs , to assert or dispute the claim .
18 A pretty pass we 've come to if a man ca n't have a friend without being labelled queer . ’
19 The courts can express the same feeling by the creative choice as to whether a defect should be stamped jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional .
20 The question therefore arose as to whether a wife should be treated any differently in this respect .
21 My Lords , we remain absolutely committed to parents being the key determinant as to whether a school should go grant maintained erm or whether it should not .
22 This approach seems to beg the question as to whether a suicide can ever be regarded as being in their right mind .
23 These clauses are also found in insurance policies to resolve disputes between insurer and insured as to whether a claim should proceed .
24 The decision as to whether a family will be started and how large it will be rests with the Parents to a greater extent than at any time in history .
25 The position as to whether an individual can be represented by a person of his choice , including a lawyer , is as follows .
26 It is perhaps for this reason that the Court of Appeal in Faccenda left open the question as to whether an employee could sell the information which was comprised in the skills acquired in the course of employment which he could not be prevented from using himself .
27 Whether Shabba succeeds outside of the reggae market is dependent on whether a major can retain the energy of his ragga product .
28 You may wish to seek legal advice on whether a contract could be drawn up .
29 The subjunctive in French allows the speaker to adopt this purely imaginary position from which he can give a verdict on whether a happening should have occurred or not .
30 Unfortunately , as was suggested in the last chapter , it is often difficult to decide on whether a word should be treated as complex or simple .
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