Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [det] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She also raised the question of whether such a bar obstructed the freedom to provide services under Articles 59 and 66 of the Treaty and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights , guaranteeing the right to give and receive information .
2 Some guys with whoppers use them like sink plungers , as if all a girl needs is filling up . ’
3 Nevertheless the third party and his advisers seem to have acted as if such a direction had been given , for a document expressed to be a defence and counterclaim of the third party has been served .
4 He said : ‘ When I told the nurses , they did n't seem too surprised and it was as if such a mix-up was not uncommon .
5 If all they have to dread is the passing of a law , why behave as if such a law already exists ?
6 It must be pure speculation as to whether such a father advised his daughter to do so , but he would at least be well aware of the value of a skilled calling .
7 Now there are various ways in which a policy could be expressed but the policy that 's come up erm from North Yorkshire and the fact that it is deported by the district who would be defining that policy and interpreting it in view of their local circumstances in due course , I think er makes it a powerful factor in arguing why it should be included in the structure plan as to whether such a policy may or may not be necessary .
8 An optional separate overflow area : the decision as to whether such an overflow area is required , and how best to allow for it , is considered later in this chapter .
9 If either party has the option to require the instrument to be redeemed or cancelled and , under the terms of the instrument , it is uncertain as to whether such an option will be exercised , the term should be taken to end on the earliest date at which the instrument would be redeemed or cancelled on exercise of such an option .
10 Automatic accruer is perhaps more commonly used by professional partnerships ( and has the practical advantage of not being dependent upon compliance with a prescribed timetable ) but there is considerable uncertainty as to whether such an arrangement should be regarded as a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the partnership share so as to take its value outside the scope of business property relief for the purposes of Inheritance Tax ( see Chapter 10 ) .
11 There is some doubt about whether such a system is the most effective .
12 They are Chinese , family-run empires whose aged founders remain at the helm , creating inevitable speculation about succession squabbles and , more importantly , about whether such a style of management will continue to work for billion-dollar conglomerates with international ambitions .
13 Examples can be found in the research literature on elderly people , where it is reported that those without children tend to form equivalent ties with whichever kin are available , typically a niece or nephew , although there is some doubt about whether such a person can properly be expected to provide such extensive or reliable support as a ‘ real ’ child ( Townsend , 1965 ; Allan , 1983 ; Wenger , 1984 ) .
14 He was sceptical , however , about whether such a move would provide a satisfactory redress for complaints such as Mr Christie 's .
15 Confronted with the evaporation of virtue , heroism , art and philosophy , does Fukuyama feel rage , despair or at any rate some doubt about whether such an ordering of life can really be the ‘ final , rational form of society ’ ?
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