Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] off [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The fact of the matter is , several of the teachers on the course you missed because of skiving off on holiday , a number of them have asked me if they can stay on for the autumn term .
2 This is another result of the Government 's policy of hiving off of core services .
3 Parliament has filled this gap by creating the offence of making off without payment in s.3 of the Theft Act 1978 .
4 A police spokesman said Blandford had also been charged with four offences of making off without payment to taxi drivers for amounts ranging between £11 and £70 .
5 The Arab world was alarmed at the implications of the new Cabinet for the peace process , formed as it was at a time when the USA was considering breaking off its 16-month dialogue with the PLO , following the abortive raid on the Israeli coast on May 30 [ see this page for breaking off of dialogue on June 20 ] .
6 I thought the best thing to do was spare Oliver 's blushes , so I murmured something about getting off to work .
7 Adult inmates who absconded from the workhouse , were charged , on their recapture , with making off with clothing which was the property of the workhouse .
8 It may well be that all these ladies simply grabbed the first thing in the wardrobe before rushing off to court , but I somehow doubt it .
9 International Laura Brown remains available before heading off to university .
10 A year later , having done a super job as Editorial Assistant before going off to university last autumn , we finally got around to organising the lesson !
11 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
12 By the time I was ten , Granpa allowed me to lay out the morning wares on the barrow before going off to school for the day .
13 Males , therefore , generally wait until the female has started to lay her eggs before going off in search of a second mate , since females rarely mate again once laying has begun .
14 Birds feeding on the road seem to wait until the very last minute before zooming off to safety , though inexperienced fledglings normally suffer a high casualty rate on our early summer roads .
15 To add to the difficulties , pleasure flights were still in progress and , while it had been relatively easy to prevent any more from taking off after hearing of the emergency situation , it had also been necessary to radio to others to stay in the air and not attempt to land until the crisis was over .
16 A sing-song round the fire perchance , a few spooky tales to swop , and then a friendly round of goodnights before slipping off to dreamland on a clean and functional bunk .
17 He smashed a hole in the shop window using a hammer and grabbed about £3,000-worth of gold jewellery before making off on foot .
18 The bogus officers , who were dressed in full police uniform , tied the sixty year old up before making off with cash and jewellery .
19 Obviously a thief had been about , but Dad had no time to investigate before setting off for work .
20 Most evenings , before setting off for work , he would call in at his parents ' house in Old Church Street .
21 Leopold dawdled before setting off for home .
22 Lancaster flared , before trailing off in mid-sentence .
23 Simon had wedged the handle under his thigh to stop the knife from sliding off into space .
24 Henry had set his house in order but had no thoughts about setting off on crusade .
25 For what better way to sever an unwanted tie than by disappearing off on business for a couple of weeks ?
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