Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the final instance the golfer could simply refuse to work with his agent , who would then be faced with the problem of whether to sue his erstwhile client — a very expensive , long-winded and unsatisfactory process .
2 THE question of whether to use our own labour or contractors ' is a tricky one .
3 Pragmatists maintain that such checks are not merely tricky but also always leave the same option of whether to accept their apparent results .
4 He imagined for a moment that he was still in short pants , until she turned to him and added , ‘ What I mean is , I would have still recognised you , ’ and as if to soften her first statement she added further , ‘ Of course , you 've grown much taller .
5 The Prince smiled , as if to soften his sartorial orders , then gestured at one of his Dutch aides .
6 He glared at Melissa as if holding her responsible for this potential miscarriage of justice .
7 She was biting her lip and looking at the ceiling , as if willing herself awake .
8 Hearing what sounded like a muttered exclamation of fury at her elbow , Melissa looked around and saw Dora turn on her heel and march off into the orchard , where she stopped under an apple tree and stared up into the branches as if inspecting its heavy crop of fruit .
9 Overhead , a great circle of dark azure swirls round a gleaming crescent moon and into it , majestically , in the last light , sails Yr Wyddfa , as if to remind us that her magic lives .
10 ‘ Anything but , ’ he replied , as if remembering her dainty appetite when she had dined at his home .
11 The eyes of the round and woeful moon closed sighingly for a moment , and Rosalba took a deep breath , as if setting herself afloat on the night in her white nightdress , irresistibly reminding Caterina again of the great orb sailing in the sky like a big soft round pillow .
12 He used his hands flirtatiously , slowly , not flapping or pointing but caressing and floating , as if wiping his flat hand inches from the surface of a painting .
13 Even the sun , as if to mark my sudden sense of relief at being out of Czechoslovakia , chose to put in an appearance .
14 as if to demonstrate his terrible seriousness , he orders the people to set out the next day ‘ … for the wilderness by the way to the Reed Sea ’ .
15 Gothic he stated was not the national style its exponents claimed , but a foreign importation and as if to counter his own question to Scott , he recited a long list of classical public buildings in Britain and Ireland .
16 He paused for a moment as if to give his next words emphasis .
17 He repeated the word as if giving it due consideration .
18 He took a deep breath before he spoke as if to keep himself calm .
19 He looked away , as if studying his own thoughts .
20 ‘ It would seem that he wanted to conceal his past , ’ he said , as if grudging her that information .
21 His/her long muscular tongue lashed and probed the air like a sense organ as if to supplement his/her tiny shrunken eyes .
22 as if to prove myself wrong , a faint signal turned up a ‘ Maltravers ’ farthing of Charles I. I began to wonder just how old this site really was .
23 Of course we must be cautious about taking on difficult tasks as if to prove our social virility .
24 His eyes strayed to the rosy-cheeked children who were chattering happily and , to Meredith 's delight , he began to talk as if questioning his own feelings .
25 He gave a decided nod as if to approve his own argument .
26 Doctor Robert Dexter ran a hand through his hair and nodded slowly , as if answering his own unasked question .
27 The place was hardly cordoned by guards , as if to emphasize its innocuous character .
28 ‘ You have lovely hands , ’ he murmured , as if to excuse his impetuous reaching across the table for one of them .
29 The Catechism was conceived as a model which local bishops ' conferences around the world could look to when preparing their own Catechisms , and is described by the Pope as ‘ a secure point of reference in the elaboration of national and diocesan Catechisms ’ .
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