Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her neighbour , after helping himself well to leg of mutton as the vast dish had at last come round to him , said ( confirming her ) , ‘ Our guest of honour is a real femme du monde . ’
2 Whittingham joined Pompey four years ago after buying himself out of the Army for £450 .
3 Crucifixion was death by suffocation : the prisoner alternated between pushing himself upright in order to breathe and sagging back to rest and relieve the pain .
4 Barber had an exceptional flair for expressing himself fluently in crystal clear prose .
5 Consider a rebel stretch of human DNA that is capable of snipping itself out of its chromosome , floating freely in the cell , perhaps multiplying itself up into many copies , and then splicing itself into another chromosome .
6 and they come to MPs like me to try and find some way of helping themselves out of the dilemma .
7 Labour MPs are now , of course , thrashing through the business of submitting themselves winsomely to their local parties .
8 His spirit had not been broken ; rather he was afraid of tearing himself apart with the involuntary jerking of one side of his limbs in the opposite direction to the other .
9 Suddenly the idea of tearing herself away from Jack 's warm , firm body , even for a minute , seemed heartbreaking .
10 We need the discipline of opening ourselves up to compassion .
11 We need the discipline of opening ourselves up to compassion .
12 Some plasmids are capable of splicing themselves seamlessly into a chromosome .
13 Keeping warm is a vital part of keeping yourself well in winter .
14 But himself said this would happen , because I was always washin' her bloody hair and keepin' her face scab-free , unlicing her an' the rest , instead of gettin' meself out to work .
15 I was too occupied in explaining myself legally to that rather brutal man , Dalziel , then in explaining myself emotionally to Jenny , to have much chance of explaining myself rationally to you .
16 She could not afford to hire a taxi , so decided to take the risk of driving herself home at about 10.30 p.m .
17 This deed somehow necessitated a second manoeuvre , that of picking myself up off the floor .
18 It was partly because he got a weird buzz out of scaring himself half to death , and partly because he felt it was a kind of exorcism , to convince him he had control over his fears — and the horrors that were waiting for him round the corner of sleep .
19 In fact there 's been some discussion of this lately , John Elston has argued that if jurors knew that that 's why they were chosen to go on the jury , it would destabilize the princi the practice of it because if you knew you were going on jury just for self-education rather than to get the right results out the other end , then this would n't give you any way of motivating yourself properly for the jury .
20 The songs are good , and Procession are not afraid of immersing themselves totally in their music , but perhaps a more measured approach might be worthwhile .
21 Otherwise marginalized groups run the risk of theorizing themselves out of existence .
22 ENGLAND 'S players will be denied the chance of pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem on the pitch before Saturday 's Test against South Africa at Twickenham .
23 3.5 inch drives seem less prone to problems , but you could try any of these ways of getting yourself out of trouble if you use both formats .
24 I was due to learn the trade from start to finish with the with the idea of getting myself up to getting on the road .
25 It was just the wretched sort of life that might so easily be theirs : the cramped lodgings , the worry , the sense of wearing yourself out against life …
26 ‘ The film lifestyle is one of cutting yourself off from your base and your friends , your identity even .
27 Obviously the car must contain some high-ranking officer , probably a general , who would not be at all pleased to find an important branch of M.I.9 in the process of closing itself down for the weekend early on a Saturday morning .
28 Wivenhoe 's only chance of hauling themselves back into the match came in the 48th minute when Gray was pulled down by keeper Caskey , who then saved the spot kick from Abrahams .
29 And yet the drama lies in this , wrote Harsnet , that perhaps the Bride really wishes to remain only a bride , at the moment of her bridity , and the bachelors only bachelors , at the moment of their bachelorhood , dangling together like pegs on a line , boys together at eternal stag party , as the bride a virgin forever in her dream of giving herself up to something else , crossing the threshold to another existence .
30 ‘ So it was all set up , and your father 's known habit of shutting himself up with his scripts made the deception all the easier .
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