Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Athelstan looked away , his gorge rising , after seeing Ranulf the rat-catcher sidle up beside one of these water-sellers and quietly piss into one of the buckets .
2 when you record for listening instruct the language helper not to leave any space between the words ( if he does , it is tempting to mimic )
3 Understand that the beliefs of a religion/stance for living affect the lifestyle of a selected individual
4 Another component has been reflected from points other than P. Only a part of the received signal represents energy reflected from point P. The effects of scattering diminish the usefulness of shorter wavelengths for remote sensing .
5 Of grasping complete the crux of rays .
6 instead of going use the garage .
7 A writer is copied by ‘ someone other ’ than himself , and that ‘ someone other ’ can in a manner of speaking become the writer he copies : the biter bit .
8 But it was their home … inviting Guy Sterne to use it as a convenient guest-house was like flinging open the drawbridge to the enemy …
9 To what extent did this difference in indexing affect the performance of each dictionary ?
10 Halting outside the little store , she took a deep breath to give herself courage before pushing open the door , then grimaced as the bell gave an important little ping which alerted everyone inside to her presence .
11 ( 2 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person whose affairs are to be investigated ( ‘ the person under investigation ’ ) or any other person whom he has reason to believe has relevant information to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation at a specified place and either at a specified time or forthwith .
12 ( 3 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person under investigation or any other person to produce at such place as may be specified in the notice and either forthwith or at such time as may be so specified any specified documents which appear to the Director to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation or any documents of a specified description which appear to him so to relate ; and — ( a ) if any such documents are produced , the Director may — ( i ) take copies or extracts from them ; ( ii ) require the person producing them to provide an explanation of any of them ; ( b ) if any such documents are not produced , the Director may require the person who was required to produce them to state , to the best of his knowledge and belief , where they are .
13 In the back , squashed in beside two hot and complaining children , Molly tried her best to restrain the youngest on her lap from wrenching open the door and free-falling out towards the autostrada .
14 Moreover , some attempts to adapt the National Curriculum to meet the needs of children who experience difficulties in learning render the system even more rigid .
15 I stepped over the coaming and down into the cockpit where I cannoned off the binnacle before snatching open the companionway hatch .
16 After much effort , Jack succeeded in prising open the door with his screw-driver .
17 Local authorities will be encouraged to offer those in housing need the opportunity to restore and improve council properties .
18 Some of that healing lies in setting free the imagination , in using icons and images wherever they may be found , in exploring the tenuous patterns of meaning laid down in lives which no longer have a social context fully comprehensible to us .
19 His speech reflected his predecessors ' determination to avoid ‘ excessive detail and groundless fantasy ’ , and in particular any ‘ rushing ahead , introducing communist principles without taking account the level of society 's material and intellectual maturity ’ .
20 Both these experiments and the studies on the effects of hunger and thirst on dreaming demonstrate the unpredictability of dreaming , explicable only in terms of semantics .
21 It has been suggested that such provisos are not effective in protecting a landlord from the severity of the law and can not be set up as a defence to the claim that by accepting rent the breach of covenant has been waived .
22 Areas covered by wheelclamping include the City of London , most of Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea , and the southern half of Camden .
23 That was as far as the conversation went , for I decided to end it by pushing open the screen door .
24 He sacrifices four lambs at the base of the li ga , then takes two inside and kills them by slitting open the throat and the chest and cutting off one of the forelegs at the shoulder , so the heart can be taken out , still pumping , and offered to the god on a plate on the dhāmi 's raised seat .
25 Underwood got the first try , following a searing diagonal run by Heslop , and then returned the compliment by giving Heslop the scoring pass for the second .
26 All three addressees sought by originating summons the determination of the court on whether they were bound to provide the information sought .
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