Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
2 Many of our residents have enjoyed the hospitality and entertainment courtesy of Matron Elder and on their behalf we should like to express our appreciation , and to thank all concerned for including us in their celebrations .
3 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
4 ‘ I really owe a lot of thanks to the gypsies for helping me in my start . ’
5 They are also responsible for helping you with your development and for appraising your performance , see APPRAISAL AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING .
6 ‘ How about bringing it to my table ? ’ he suggested at last .
7 ‘ Thanks for reminding me of what this is really all about , ’ she snapped .
8 It is n't the first time you 've implied that I know something about what 's going on , so how about explaining it to me ? ’
9 Serve on squares of bread , or with bread for mopping it up yourself .
10 If letting him make love to her was the price for keeping him with her all night she would pay it gladly .
11 We would like to thank our colleagues , Peter Brown , Dick Jones , and Eve Wilson ( who also teach on our undergraduate electronic publishing courses ) for their help and ideas , and our students for keeping us on our toes .
12 ‘ And disappointment in your parents , too , for keeping it from you . ’
13 There was silence for a moment , then he said huskily , ‘ Leonora — look , there 's no easy way to say this , but I hope you 're not full of some quixotic notion about keeping it from me if you find out you 're pregnant . ’
14 I said to Schur , after reminding him of his promise , ‘ Tell Anna . ’
15 ‘ If Matilda sent you here after warning me of your ‘ usefulness ’ , she must be losing her mind . ’
16 While the firm would not be compelled to disclose or utilise the information about B when advising A , the fact that it owes a duty of confidentiality to B will not necessarily constitute a defence to a breach of its duty of disclosure to A. If the firm is to be fully protected it must obtain A2 's consent to its acting in the conflict situation after informing him of its conflicting duties and the fact that it can not perform its full duties of disclosure .
17 he advanced above three hundred debased field negroes who had never before moved without the whip to a state resembling that of contented , honest and industrious servants and after paying them for their labour , tripled the annual neat [ sic ] clearance of his Estate .
18 He told Orchard , who had tickled and spanked the girl after enticing her to his flat : ‘ The prosecution accept , and I proceed on this basis , that your motive here was in no way sexual .
19 After assuring us of our sonship the Spirit sets out to reproduce in us the character and graces of the family into which we have been adopted .
20 On another occasion Pauline Jordan cashed a Giro cheque for £330 after stealing it from her mother 's house , the court heard .
21 She knew she had to let him go , but after buttoning him into his coat , she wrapped her arms tightly around him , crying almost hysterically .
22 Adam escorted Elinor to the elevator ; after taking her to her bedroom , he intended to go to the beach for a swim .
23 After taking us through his life and times , he moved on to the matter of his death which he hoped would be quick and peaceful .
24 One of the best descriptions of the landscape of Madeira is that given by White and Johnson ( Madeira. : Its Climate and Scenery , 1860 ) : ‘ When Columbus was asked by Queen Isabella to give her some notion of the configuration of Jamaica , it is said that he took up a sheet of paper , and after crushing it in his hand , partly opened it out ; then placing it on the table , he told her Majesty that she would derive a better idea of the island from the crumpled paper than from any description conveyed in words .
25 Five months ago I found out that my husband was having an affair and , after confronting him about it , he decided to move out .
26 I waited a little and after weighing it in my mind continued , ‘ They think if they 're not shot at once , then they will be when they 're no longer useful .
27 CUSTOMERS who spent four hours haggling with a double glazing salesman may sue after beating him at his own game .
28 After missing him during his stay in Geneva ( he 'd been presiding over Berlioz 's Benvenuto Cellini at the Grand Théâtre there ) , I finally succeeded in making contact with him in Rome , where he was conducting the orchestra of the Academia di Santa Cecilia in music by Schubert , Nino Rota and , not unexpectedly , Berlioz — the Symphonie fantastique .
29 There may be a case for replacing her with someone else later , having a series of nurses rather than a permanent one , in case she becomes overemotionally involved .
30 He slipped away to the great palace of King Darzin and begged to be rewarded for warning him against his enemies .
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