Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Ideas exist in our own minds and we need to master the skilled techniques for bringing them forward for evaluation and application to our problems .
2 Glasgow District Council decided last month to release its £90,000 grant for 1992-93 to the RSNO after holding it back for almost a year .
3 His cap 's on the floor in front of him and I think about picking it up for him , cos maybe if he 's blind he do n't know he 's dropped it .
4 Probably because it was a way of roping him in for the future , Malcolm invited him down to a few rehearsals .
5 He had actually taken the trouble of ruling them out for all his business contacts as well .
6 Almost imperceptibly the practice began of signing them on for voyages to Britain , Europe and North America so that the numbers of Chinamen and Lascars on ships based in these areas gradually increased and with it the Chinese , Indian and half-caste population of such ports as Cardiff and Liverpool .
7 Wistaria Cottage was n't worth much and in any case he had talked at one point of trading it in for an annuity .
8 Was this his way of paying her back for trying to sneak Kirsty down to London ?
9 If there is trouble for them they will find a way of paying me back for revealing their names .
10 The shortage of labour forced the landowners to change their methods of exploiting their estates , most obviously in the abandonment of direct cultivation of the demesne by the lord 's paid men in favour of leasing it out for a cash rent .
11 I could name at least three of my friends who would have been prompt to offer this undeniably attractive young man a doss down on the sofa , and one of them who would have already been thinking of taking him upstairs for the night …
12 Instead of putting them down for the afternoon , I 'd like to be able to do something with them .
13 Now then , I like the new look — ’ Sarella had had her hair cropped ‘ — and was thinking of putting you in for the ingénue , but I 'm having second thoughts . ’
14 This idea that the essentials for salvation are never ‘ above reason ’ sits uneasily with what Locke has already said about the practical difficulty of working them out for oneself .
15 At the outset the number was eight , but this resulted in a slow turnover between measurements , and after some early trials the number was reduced to two , with the intention of raising it again for serious measurements if the results were encouraging .
16 Studying him now , dispassionately , without the emotional blindness of the aftermath of her accident , or the initial shock of finding that he was last night 's rescuer , it was like seeing him properly for the first time …
17 I know that my hon. Friend will understand that I can make no comments about the merits of the proposal which is the subject of our debate or about the case for calling it in for determination by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
18 So what 's wrong with puttin' it up for discussion ? ’
19 Formatting to the rear of the Rallye , Legg established radio contact , and gently eased Anderson through a series of power adjustments and manoeuvres to make a practice approach at Cardiff before bringing him around for a successful , damage- and injury-free landing .
20 If they have committed the crimes they will face the sentences presumably , what 's the point in sticking it out for another two , three , four days ?
21 My experience also spans the full spectrum of aircraft maintenance within the RAF from turning them around for the next flight at the sharp end , through the deeper repair at station level to the major repair at remote sites .
22 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
23 Instead , I suggested Jeanne and John tire Moby with a few chase and throw-fetch games in the garden before taking him out for a walk on an extendable lead .
24 At Hunstead Park from May nineteen eighty nine until May nineteen ninety , both parents stayed for the first week and thereafter supported the plaintiff in taking her back for home visits , every weekend plus a week at Christmas and Easter .
25 Originally , Geoff Huffer , Ile De Nisky 's trainer , felt his colt was immature and was going to give him just one more run before putting him away for an ambitious campaign next year .
26 The leggy actress has revealed that she now shreds all the rubbish at her Malibu home before putting it out for the dust-men .
27 We would increase the public sector borrowing requirement for the first two years before reducing it sharply for the rest of our term of office to balance the books over five years .
28 How about taking me out for a drink then ?
29 ‘ Some of them around here would n't think twice about dragging you away for no reason . ’
30 The dangers of issuing specifications , a bill of quantities ( if appropriate ) and drawings in a rush without checking them thoroughly for consistency and accuracy are that the intention underlying the contract and work described will be understood differently by the client , the engineer and the contractor
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