Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and it 's quite an early start so it 's , it just makes it such a late night to for eating by the time you 've come out the cinema it 's erm
2 This is structured by hourly changes of sail or course , so that the crew can learn as much as possible about handling in the time they are aboard .
3 It was calculated from a breath test taken then that he was nearly one and a half times over the limit for driving at the time of the accident .
4 THE WAR of words over the John Birt affair intensified yesterday when the former managing director of the BBC , Bill Cotton , criticised six senior journalists within the corporation for writing to the Times backing Mr Birt .
5 Shares in Pentos fell by an alarming 20% last week after the group issued warnings that pretax profits for 1992 would be ‘ significantly below ’ market expectations and that its final dividend would be reviewed ‘ in the light of trading at the time of the preliminary announcement in March ’ .
6 In the new context , these were quite out of keeping with the times , for the poor had to change as well as everyone else .
7 If all had gone well the husband would have earned very large sums for a long period so that he could have maintained them at least at their standard of living at the time of his death , and made other provisions for the future .
8 I was thinking of going round the time , but I shall go this afternoon , it 's
9 Such excursions spelled glamour and excitement for Fergie , something that the duke seemed incapable of providing at the time .
10 There was , indeed , a certain amount of questioning at the time of dishonest business practices and the morality of trade , although this intemperate radicalism was but a marginal force in the ensuing debates on the criminal question .
11 But can I just answer that because hopefully we do we do try to listen and we try to give you what information you 're capable of taking at the time .
12 They were destroying something we dreamed of owning and playing but had no prospect of affording at the time .
13 The technique of rotational coherence spectroscopy illustrates particularly well the advantages of working in the time , rather than the frequency , domain — even if some of its most useful applications move us away from the femtosecond world .
14 This structure of feeling is produced by a particular rhetorical device , providing an image which resonates with an unstated discourse about ‘ waves of black immigration swamping the British way of life ’ — a theme which Thatcherism was in the process of popularizing at the time .
15 As we went towards the platforms , I said , she 's frightened of seeming behind the times .
16 Oxford University is n't renowned for moving with the times , but it 's taking this equal opportunities business really rather seriously .
17 The Shamir administration refrained , however , from challenging for the time being the apparent PLO involvement with the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , nor did it decide to use this as grounds for withdrawing from the conference .
18 He was taken into custody for his own protection … as it was learned that he 'd been disqualified from driving at the time of the crash .
19 Stephen Reynolds , who was disqualified from driving at the time of the crash , is one of the first people to be convicted under the new charge .
20 During the seven months he spent there he wrote two songs , Non m'ama più and Lamento d'amore , which he had difficulty in publishing at the time , but which later became popular .
21 Unless specifically agreed by us in writing at the time you make your booking , we can not accept any booking which is made conditional upon a special request being satisfied .
22 The agreed plan for a postgraduate institute was on the basis that it would be partly financed by National Health Service funds — a commitment made in writing at the time by the then Scottish health minister , Michael Forsyth .
23 But I remember having a day off from teaching at the time , probably because of the various strikes , and watching the lunchtime television .
24 I had once found two names scratched on one of the window-panes , ‘ perhaps two soldiers billeted here for a time at the beginning of the 1914 War … ’ ( or perhaps soldiers in hiding at the time of the Reformation ? )
25 The journeymen wool sorters of Exeter did this in 1787 before striking at the time when their employers had large wool stocks on hand .
26 Do you think that was an attitude to that was erm unique to nursing at the time or do you think erm that possibly girls in other walks of life had the same kind of experience of discipline and demands on them ?
27 Rarely , if ever , in more than a decade , has a specialist in psychometrics published a review of a book on testing in the Times , The New York Review of Books , The New Republic , or other national publications that occasionally comment on testing .
28 It is always the most convenient for my guests in that they do not have to drive in the dark , and they can have a much more leisurely lunch , without worrying about the time , as they would in the evening over dinner .
29 He read no papers beyond glancing at The Times headlines .
30 When you feel worthless , useless — and do things often without knowing at the time why you have .
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