Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A little after eight o'clock the sun touches the altar rock , the signal for the burial to begin .
2 Soon after 6 a.m. the rebels took control of Radio Nigeria ( situated 300 metres from the barracks ) , announcing that Babangida had been deposed and the governing Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) dissolved , and stating their political objectives .
3 Shortly after two o'clock the police returned in strength .
4 From the summer of 1869 onwards the process was carried forward by a combination of the Emperor 's will and by its own momentum .
5 The establishment of the mixed patrician-plebeian collegium of the Xviri sacris faciundis coincides with the full parification of the two orders in the Licinian-Sextian laws of 367 B.C. The members of the college presumably had to know some Greek if they were to consult the Sibylline books .
6 The cathedral was begun by Russian architects in 1471 but part of the building collapsed in the earthquake of 1472 so the work was handed over to an Italian architect and engineer , Aristotele Fioravanti from Bologna .
7 Everything came through in the first nine months of 1991 so the company was able to trade profitably .
8 Finally , all is prepared and as the second hand ticks over into 8.30 pm the command ‘ Run Tape ’ is given .
9 After Egypt was conquered by the Persian king Kambyses in 525 BC the Greeks and Karians lost their old employers ; but it is certain from several pieces of evidence that they stayed on under the new management , as distinct ethnic groups , surviving until and beyond the Macedonian takeover in 331 .
10 From 1838 onwards the discipline imposed by struggle with the West Indian enemy inside the British political system largely disappeared .
11 In 1850 therefore the deer were officially banished , and in five years they had all been killed off .
12 One o'clock in Piazza dei Partigiani after a stressful morning at work was very different from eleven o'clock the night before after making love , but Ellen was bubbling with such enthusiasm that he had n't the heart to voice his reservations .
13 In 1872 however the period was reduced to twelve months and seven days .
14 In 487 BC the archonship ceased to be an elected position , chosen by the aristocracy , and was henceforth filled by lot , while in 461 BC the council of the Areopagus , composed of the ex-archons , was deprived of its powers .
15 the Victoria County History goes so far as to suggest that the early nineteenth century prosperity of Leicester , based partly on the transport of hosiery goods by canal to London was ‘ probably due in no small degree to the fact that from 1802 onwards the development of communication had largely been completed . ’
16 In 487 BC the archonship ceased to be an elected position , chosen by the aristocracy , and was henceforth filled by lot , while in 461 BC the council of the Areopagus , composed of the ex-archons , was deprived of its powers .
17 From 25:10 onwards the description moves from the inside to the outside : first the furnishings , the ark , table and lampstand ( 25:20–40 ) , then the tent-covering ( 26:1–37 ) , then beyond it to the altar and the court ( 27:1–19 ) .
18 Deflationary pressure in the budget was expected to come from a continuing reduction in the fiscal deficit , to 5 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1992-93 ( compared with 8.4 per cent in 1990-91 and 6.5 per cent in 1991-92. i.e. the year ending March 31 , 1992 ) .
19 In the 18 years 1798–1815 inclusive , for each million tons sold there were 0.62 explosions and approximately 11 deaths ; in 1817–1834 inclusive the cost was 0.68 explosions , a 10 per cent increase , but with the loss of only 8.7 lives : for 1839–1844 , this had fallen further to 6.5 lives , But the three periods are not easily comparable ; the new production came not from the old collieries described but from new and ever deeper ones to the south and east made accessible after 1815 by steam-and-gravity operated railways .
20 It is an irresistible inference that before 5 p.m. the mother had discussed the question of blood transfusions with her daughter because Miss T. ‘ out of the blue ’ according to the nurse raised the subject .
21 In 1922 even the Moscow intelligentsia continued to confuse Old and New Style dates .
22 During the personal reign of Louis XIV from 1661 onwards the post was held by a succession of distinctly able men — Lionne , Pomponne , Colbert de Croissy , Torcy — and the administrative machine which they controlled grew substantially in size and complexity .
23 It is clear though that the economic tide was running very much in the party 's direction in 1915–16 ; in 1915 the first industrial tariffs for half a century were imposed , and by a Liberal Chancellor ; in 1916 even the Manchester Chamber of Commerce joined in the demand for industrial protection , causing the resignation of its chairman in protest at the abandonment of a century of belief in free trade .
24 In 586 BC the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem , including the Temple , and many of the inhabitants of the southern kingdom , Judaea , were deported to Babylonia .
25 During the period of Tatar domination from the thirteenth to the end of the fifteenth centuries , Russia under the Golden Horde had been the most westerly province of the great Mongol Empire founded by Genghis Khan ; but from 1582 onwards the tide was turned and the European Slavs rapidly found themselves rulers of a vast colonial domain stretching across Asia to the northern Pacific .
26 In 1914 only the United Kingdom sent more of its manufactures to non-European nations than to European ; yet she was also Germany 's best customer , and Germany came second only to India as a buyer of British goods .
27 In 66 AD the Jews rebelled against their Roman overlords in Palestine .
28 There is no known plan of the arrangements at Stretford Bridge when the BCR opened , and by the time the first 1/2500 scale Ordnance Survey plan was surveyed in 1883 only the platform remained .
29 Just before ten o'clock the reporters set out on their ‘ beats ’ .
30 While still a student he won in 1912 both the chair and the crown at the National Eisteddfod of Wales in Wrexham , a feat repeated by him in 1915 at the National Eisteddfod held in Bangor .
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