Example sentences of "[prep] [det] of the same " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to be in permanent decline , possibly for some of the same reasons as the Liberals after 1918 .
2 Yet this image , allowing for exaggeration , is not totally removed from the reality of prewar Japanese society , and the persistence of some of the same characteristics in the post-1945 period therefore means that such categorization still contains a measure of truth .
3 With the help of many of the same printing presses , ink suppliers and distributors , Harlequin Enterprises , a Canadian firm which dominates the world 's romantic-fiction market , is doing a roaring business by expanding into Eastern Europe .
4 Repeated non-availability or failures to show up after agreeing to an engagement are likely to result in a discontinuation of offers of work , and in this sense casual working requires an acceptance of many of the same disciplines as apply to working in a regular fashion .
5 In the spring , this need of young animals for the company of those of the same age is very obvious .
6 Individual deterrence occurs when someone commits a crime , is punished for it , and finds the punishment so unpleasant or frightening that the offence is never repeated for fear of more of the same or worse .
7 Erm my next prezzie is sort of more of the same actually .
8 To the people of Northern Ireland the Prime Minister 's ’ no change ’ comment is simply a promise of more of the same .
9 ‘ You do n't mind ? ’ she asked , thinking it more than good of him to use his morning squiring her around , without him letting himself in for an afternoon of more of the same !
10 Thus , before medieval drama went into the streets as part of a religious festival , less developed kinds of dramatization of several of the same events — key moments in the Christian history of the world — had been performed in churches , and some of the very earliest of these — the Quem quaeritis ? episodes of the encounters after the resurrection — had been performed within religious services .
11 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
12 Sources close to the KIO say the civil suit in Britain has no bearing on separate , and so far unsuccessful , criminal cases against many of the same defendants in Spain .
13 Equally , it went through many of the same traumas as Britain in the 1960s and 1970s while the Thatcher crusade for the market-led economy found an echo not only in Reagan 's America , but in France , Australia , Spain , and even social-democratic Sweden .
14 Despite its undoubted success , IDG has lost parts of its core home market for many of the same reasons it has succeeded abroad .
15 As in the 1950s and 1980s , and for many of the same reasons , Labour 's ‘ forward march ’ seemed far from guaranteed .
16 Increasingly firms from developing countries are extending abroad , for many of the same reasons that earlier prompted the moves of developed country multinationals .
17 Nor did it prevent the preservation of this category in the language of special education many years after its legal obliteration , in the acronym MLD ( moderate learning difficulties ) , used in many of the same contexts for many of the same purposes , but without , as yet , the abusive tone that came to be associated with its predecessor .
18 Braque was dissatisfied with traditional perspective for many of the same reasons as Picasso .
19 It 's another place which needs treating — if you like with some of the same rules you would apply inside .
20 This means that people end up with some of the same players , but I do n't think there 's many teams that end up identical ( I mean there are 7000 odd teams in this one ) .
21 He made another foray to the bar and was back in quick time with another of the same .
22 It was being driven by a very po-faced Englishman with another of the same ilk beside him and the car was spotlessly clean .
23 And , if you want to press the architectural simile a little , the many variations on a helical theme ( with their emphasis on a set of rules of proportion ) represent a style that is unmistakably classical , with much of the same appeal .
24 So IBM is publicly sticking to OS/2 , though it is also quietly hedging its bets by incorporating into its grand scheme other products with many of the same capabilities .
25 Perlite : A volcanic material like vermiculite and with many of the same properties .
26 The main link , he believes , is on the research side , with many of the same compounds being used as intermediates .
27 Linked to egalitarianism and associated with many of the same writers and thinkers has been the drift to collectivism .
28 In Vietnam , it was the same argument , and with many of the same features , that underlay the nature of the French Union .
29 The restructuring school replies with many of the same points as in the decentralization debate .
30 The North American pennyroyal ( Hedeoma pulgeogioides ) is a quite different plant but with many of the same characteristics as Mentha pulegium ; it has a strong minty smell and an Indian folk medicine was used as an intestinal irritant and an abortion-causing agent , as well as an insect repellent .
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