Example sentences of "[prep] [det] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Alina had sniffled her way through half a box of Kleenex from the glove compartment , and she seemed even more disinclined toward conversation than Pete .
2 Charles smoked his way through half a packet of Gauloises while John told his story .
3 Here , as inmates with red-rimmed eyes and ash-grey faces barter items like a shirt or a spoon for half a bowl of soup , a nightmarish market economy is seen in operation .
4 I made a hand winch with a double handle and a ratchet and room for half a kilometre of twine on the drum ; I made different types of tails for the kites that needed them , and dozens of kites large and small , some stunters .
5 Alcoholic drinks have a significant calorie content ranging from about 50 calories for a small measure of spirit to 70–130 for a glass of wine and 90–130 for half a pint of beer .
6 No sooner had you got used to being able to have the lights on whenever you wanted , than you ( or Dad ) had to trail down to the BP station with a jerry-can in your hand and beg for half a gallon of four-star .
7 In the middle of the night he rose and , after eating about half a jar of honey , felt a lot better .
8 One alcoholic drink is to be taken as half a pint of beer , one glass of wine , one small glass of sherry or one small measure of spirit .
9 It takes your body about an hour , on average , to burn up one unit of alcohol , such as half a pint of beer .
10 A possession to be treasured and for some a reminder of better times .
11 Visuals are very important in terms of information recall I modelled for this a couple of years ago .
12 The time I was supposed to be going through this a lot of schools were getting a bit of stick because a lot of parents did n't like it .
13 He then spent three days at Fort King being questioned by people from the DIA , the FBI , the CIA and the DEA , and after that a bunch of US Marshals took him away into the Federal Witness Protection program .
14 The speaker scraped and clicked a few more times , but after half a minute of no reply the phone was rehooked .
15 Wilson said it all when he said ‘ after half a century of democratic advance , the whole process has ground to a halt with a fourteenth earl ’ .
16 After half a century of rejection by the Arab world , Israelis have reason to doubt whether handing back the territories they captured in 1967 would make any lasting difference to Arab attitudes .
17 Kitcher gives a good example of how a theory becomes accepted by the generality of scientists : Alfred Wegener 's theory of continental drift achieved acceptance after half a century of intermittent discussion only when the concept of plate tectonics provided an acceptable mechanism .
18 After half a year of their affair , she 'd begun to wonder , wallowing in his affection , how a man whose history had been one infidelity after another had mended his ways ; which thought led to the possibility that perhaps he had n't .
19 After this a section of the crowd marched to the Guildhall , from where they were driven back up Shipquay Street towards the Diamond , where two baton charges were needed to disperse them .
20 Shortly after this a number of the members of the YCCC bundled into a car and drove the several hundred miles from Bell County , Kentucky to Newmarket , Tennessee for an impromptu Sunday meeting with Highlander staff .
21 After such a day of damage it was a somewhat depleted fleet which set off on the return journey on Sunday .
22 High concentrations of circulating cyclosporin A have been measured in our study 24 hours after the last dose of cyclosporin A. Furthermore , tissue concentrations of cyclosporin A in the pancreas are still high after such a period of time .
23 Lots of writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more immediately oppressive than mine — mine is after all a kind of open prison — and their example inspires me .
24 ( One might have expected heterosexual young men to be more influenced by what was after all a film of exclusively heterosexual practices . )
25 It is after all a suburb of Abingdon
26 This was after all a period of full employment and marked growth in people 's real earnings .
27 The similarities between such a scheme of reclamation and discipline and those widely mooted proposals of the 1980s to reclaim the youth through compulsory job-training or ‘ community service ’ should not pass unnoticed .
28 Significantly , however , in view of what was subsequently to happen , during the week leading up to the ballot there were growing reservations among her supporters , including ministers , about such a course of action .
29 Though the diplomatic courtship is at an early stage , the Foreign Office is optimistic about such a marriage of convenience .
30 ‘ that , although , by the indulgence of the court , a statutory tenant might be permitted to continue to occupy premises after the making of an order for possession , he was not , during such a period of occupation , a statutory tenant with all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts which he had enjoyed before the order for possession was made ; and , consequently , the daughter could not claim protection as a ‘ tenant ’ under section 12 , subsection ( 1 ) … ’
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