Example sentences of "[prep] [det] than [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ individualism ’ at issue here is , of course , enmeshed in bourgeois categories ; but , in its own way , it seems no more ‘ crippled ’ for that than the different but equally ‘ bourgeois ’ individualism of a Schoenberg .
2 ‘ Well , I 'm hardly going to get back into bed with him after more than a whole year .
3 Foucault emphasizes that his work does not lay claim to universal or general categories , nor is it even homogeneous , a presupposition that , as he has shown , has less to do with the work as such than the critical construction of its ‘ author ’ .
4 What better symbol of that than a new , improved BR .
5 And I I think I must say that i it 's well certainly in Nottingham , my experience is that the church of England is and perhaps other churches , are more aware of this than the catholic church is .
6 Nothing provides a better demonstration of this than the continued usage of the administrative-judicial dichotomy as a basis for determining the applicability of natural justice .
7 One or two events which will be of more than a passing interest to Lothian Highways ' staff have occurred since the first edition of NETWORK was published .
8 If Helen Dobson 's achievement in doing the double of British Match and Stroke-Play titles detracted from everything else , on performance worthy of more than a passing mention was a final day for Julie Hall which took in rounds of 69 and 71 .
9 Whether these entry positions can , in turn , be levered into positions of more than a new dependency on the technological leaders is an open question and one that can not be answered in the general case .
10 Where there has been a lapse of more than a reasonable length of time from the time the contract was made .
11 So while many City analysts are now predicting that the FT-SE index could rise another 20 p.c. by the end of the year , such forecasts carry caveats : not least the anticipation of more than a token cut in interest rates .
12 After leaving the Navy he also wrote much fiction , and as a novelist in the early post-war years his first published work , The Felthams ( 1950 ) , was thought highly of and his bestseller , The Rock ( 1957 ) , served to establish him as a writer of more than a little promise .
13 Example 3:7 Landlord 's power to break ( 1 ) The landlord shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than six months ' notice in writing expiring on or after [ date ] if he intends at the expiry of such notice either : ( a ) to demolish or reconstruct the demised property or a substantial part of it or to carry out substantial work of construction on the demised property or part of it ; or ( b ) to occupy the demised property for the purposes or partly for the purposes of a business to be carried on by him ( 2 ) The service of a notice under s25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be sufficient notice and good service for the purposes of the preceding subclause Example 3:8 Tenant 's power to break on refusal of planning permission The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than three nor more than six months ' notice in writing served not more than one month after the happening of any of the following events : ( 1 ) the refusal or deemed refusal by the local planning authority to renew the planning permission dated [ date ] permitting the use of the demised property for ; ( 2 ) the dismissal by the Secretary of State or an appointed person of any appeal against any such refusal ; ( 3 ) the expiry of the said planning permission Example 3:9 Tenant 's right to break preventing exercise of rights under Landlord and Tenant Act The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … by giving not less than thirteen months ' previous notice to that effect Example 3:10 Tenant 's conditional right to break The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … if : ( 1 ) he gives thirteen months ' written notice to that effect ; and ( 2 ) both at the date of the notice and at the date of its expiry there are neither any outstanding arrears of rent nor any subsisting breach of covenant by the tenant for which the landlord would be entitled to recover damages of more than a nominal amount
14 To ensure that the crisis of February could never be repeated , Pétain employed the equivalent of more than a whole division of men permanently mending the road .
15 In your sexual relations with other people , you need to be aware of more than the behavioural aspects .
16 Chancellor faces Budget decisions of more than the usual complexity
17 Furthermore , is it certain that the consumption of more than the daily requirement of methionine in this combination would be safe for all the more than 20 million adults in the United Kingdom who currently consume paracetamol each year without harm ?
18 It is also common to say that there will be no liability in respect of a single claim of less than a small sum and then only when the aggregate of all such small claims exceeds a certain sum .
19 After all , there is nothing that the press like more than a good fairy-tale !
20 The big problem with today 's chips , which squeeze more than 120000 transistors into less than a square centimetre of silicon , is heat .
21 Brazil 's pro-privatisation rhetoric needs to be supported by much further change in policy and practice to turn it into more than a minor curiosity in its history .
22 Now I look at the confident sexual swagger of young men with more than a faint envy .
23 The widely-held fears stem from the reasonable assumption that an independent or a devolved Scotland would be incapable of existing without considerable handouts from Whitehall and would have an administration with more than a left-wing tinge .
24 Thomson recreates the Australian Fifties with more than a cursory skill and catches the censorious , more petit bourgeois than the English tone of the times well enough to convince .
25 If it started with more than a certain critical speed , however , it would never stop rising and fall back but would continue to move away .
26 ‘ I take it then that you neither have children of your own , nor indeed a hotel , ’ she said now , with more than a slight trace of sarcasm .
27 His single , minded pursuit of operational perfection had to be witnessed to be appreciated , He was the only Commander in the field that was able to change the entire concept of strategic bombing ; moreover he was the only Group commander with any worthwhile operational background , my personal researches accredit him with more than a full bomber tour of operations , and that includes his escape from Sweden .
28 Numbers of influential visitors to Germany , mostly connected with commerce , the aristocracy , or both , came back with more than a little sympathy for what Hitler was achieving .
29 In teacher-training colleges lecturers have new theories of history that do away with the learning of ‘ facts ’ in favour of imaginative identification with more than a little colouring from the modern stereotypes that possess their own imagination .
30 The policemen on the cordon had lifted the barrier-pole to let the small convoy of police cars and vans past , ignoring with more than a little impatience the fusillade of questions thrown at them by the remaining newspeople .
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