Example sentences of "[prep] [det] one time [art] " in BNC.

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1 The aim is to ensure not only that all important titles are held in stock , but also that as far as possible there is on the shelves at any one time a reasonable coverage of material in all subject fields .
2 Although , as we shall see , a large proportion of divorced people remarry , there are at any one time a good number of single-person households or single-parent households created by divorce .
3 The principal weakness of these provisions is that companies ( especially , but not exclusively , private ones ) are deplorably dilatory in delivering returns to the Registrar so that at any one time a majority of companies are in arrear to a greater or lesser extent .
4 As an incentive in 1987 if you enrol FIVE new members at any one time the sixth enrolment will be FREE — ask Hilda Hewitt for more details .
5 At any one time the centre can only help the families of five .
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