Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The reason for that is partly the attitude of the people involved ; they will identify with individual cows and know them .
2 May and June were the peak months for marriages in pastoral districts for that was when the annual farm cycle and period of service ended there .
3 He did not breathe spontaneously and died in a pulmonary W with lungs filled with water and we ca n't exclude that the reason for that was just the water bath .
4 ‘ All credit to Everton for that was probably the best they have played this season .
5 Presumably she bolted the door after her for that was how the police had found it in the morning .
6 One of the gruesome factors about this particular stitch in the Arran is that every family had its own pattern and the reason for that was often the menfolk were lost at sea and the only way they could identify them was through the pattern .
7 However , in our experience the matter is less clear-cut and what is right for some is not the solution for others .
8 One reason for this is undoubtedly the fact that many of those who are attracted to homoeopathy are well content just to treat patients as they present , and do not have the expertise or the scientific bent of mind required to design and carry out clinical trials .
9 The reason for this was also the reason for her sorrow .
10 It is no accident that there is a similarity between the diagnostic test , above , and the claim which used to be advanced in transformational grammar to the effect that an attributive adjective incorporated in a noun phrase is derived from some such structure as : ( 6 ) the N present BE ADJ This proposal was questioned quite early in the development of transformational grammar ( see Berman , 1974 ) , and a major reason for this was precisely the fact that too many phrases with attributive adjectives were discovered where the derivation does not seem to be usable ; as we shall see later , there are other reasons why such a derivation may not work , apart from the issue discussed here .
11 you know I rather did it before because if you do it after that 's when the job situation becomes a bit of problem , look at John , look what 's happening there
12 All the others had been hand-tinted or hand-painted , and this after all was not the real thing .
13 Er and I mean er a lot of that 's perhaps the release of stress , so that you know you 've been under pressure for a long time and then you , you take that away , and it may actually be detrimental to but er it does n't , obviously the figures are a little bit odd .
14 An example of this is where the transaction relates to shares in a company and the firm is a financial adviser to the company , or the firm is advising someone who is contemplating a substantial acquisition of shares in the company .
15 A common example of this is where the creditor ‘ leaves it to the debtor ’ to get the surety 's signature to the guarantee .
16 What I do mean is that although most women do hope for a happy and loving relationship with their husbands , the attainment of this is not the purpose of marriage .
17 The point of this is not the trivial name involved , but the fact that I remember it so clearly .
18 The most striking example of this is perhaps the frontier in the Danubian plain between the Ottoman empire and the Habsburg territories in central Europe .
19 In front of this was usually the atrium or forecourt .
20 The first two of these are generally the most important and give rise to rates and methods for temporal and international comparison .
21 Right , you got ta do it steady because all of these are exactly the same things are n't they ?
22 The first two of these are simply the result of the inversion .
23 The first of these is when the teacher is asked to do a manageable job , where he is working within his intellectual capacity and has that confidence which proceeds from really knowing more about what he is teaching than the children do .
24 One of these is where the acquisition of shares is approved by a majority of independent shareholders .
25 However , if you want to replace one large electricity power station , you would require approximately one thousand windmills , each the size of the largest electricity pylons at the moment , and the best situations for the location of these is where the wind is blowing strongest — that is on hill tops or around the coastline , and there would be obvious social objections to putting large pylons , or windmills , on all the best scenic locations in the country .
26 The second of these is thus the leading submatrix of
27 One of these was probably the carver known as ‘ Guillaume de Nourriche ’ ( William of Norwich ) in documentary sources .
28 The highest court of all is still the Football Association with their brocaded traditions , honest principles and missionary zeal .
29 The most specialized dental structures of all are probably the baleen plates of the largest whales , modified for straining plankton from sea water .
30 But at the same time , she felt a faint chill ; if there really was a flood , a basement like this was n't the best place to be .
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