Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [conj] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The product sectors on which we have focused will , I believe , be proven to be increasingly beneficial to us as consumers look for fewer but better quality , better value products .
2 There were demands in the press for the militia to be allowed greater use of firearms and for Interior Ministry troops to be provided with more and better equipment ( notably computers , communications equipment and vehicles ) .
3 But even if the proposition be true , it could not be the case for more and better education because of the nature of education itself .
4 First , the inequalities of the system lead to demands for more and better education for the majority of their peoples ; second , the authorities often regard education as a direct threat to their domination so that teachers , academics and indeed books are targets of repression and censorship .
5 It also emphasised the need for more and better instrumentation to assist the operators , to monitor the development of the accident , and to provide quick and reliable information to help in the actions taken in response to the emergency .
6 For example , the first rise in expectations of the lower orders would be for more and better food before manufactured goods .
7 Roses are heavy feeders at the best of times , and pruning for more and better bloom drives a plant even harder .
8 Pressures for more and better housing for the working classes led to the introduction of a succession of unsuccessful Bills into Parliament from 1901 .
9 Throughout the social services there is a need for more and better training and better distribution and deployment of staff .
10 On the home front his business experiences should stand him in more than good stead : cobblers is the stock-in-trade of most cricket committees .
11 On the home front his business experiences should stand him in more than good stead : cobblers is the stock-in-trade of most cricket committees .
12 Hersh argued that resale rights would help stabilise artists ' incomes and such stability , he maintained , ‘ would probably result in more and better art from artists freed from some of the anxiety of performing on a tightrope without a safety net ’ .
13 All that is left is a question about how we might open up these and other conduits to more and better funding .
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